英语 中的 store 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 store 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 store 的说明。

英语 中的store 表示商店,店铺 shāng diàn,diàn pù, 贮存物 zhù cún wù, 仓库 cāng kù, 储备 chǔ bèi, 把…存入仓库 bǎ … cún rù cāng kù, 计算机内存,计算机存储 jì suàn jī nèi cún, 可贮藏 kě zhù cáng, 储存 chǔ cún, 应用商店, 大型商场 dà xíng shāng chǎng, 婚纱店, 糖果屋 táng guǒ wū, 连锁商店 lián suǒ shāng diàn, 服装商店 fú zhuāng shāng diàn, 冷藏库, 将...存入冷藏库, 企业内部商店, 糖果店 táng guǒ diàn, 便利店 biàn lì diàn, 小杂货店 xiǎo zá huò diàn, 百货公司 bǎi huò gōng sī, 百货商场, 折扣店 zhé kòu diàn, 一元店, 药房 yào fáng, 纺织品商店 fǎng zhī pǐn shāng diàn, 电子产品商店, 水果店, 家具店 jiā jù diàn, 杂货店 zá huò diàn, 杂货店 zá huò diàn, 五金商店 wǔ jīn shāng diàn, 未来会有, …即将发生在某人头上, 有机天然食品店, 储备着, 将来 jiāng lái, 店内, 店内的, 珠宝店 zhū bǎo diàn, 酒铺, 网上商店, 宠物店 chǒng wù diàn, 唱片店, 租赁店, 零售店 líng shòu diàn, 售货员 shòu huò yuán, 鞋店 xié diàn, 专卖店 zhuān mài diàn, 文具店 wén jù diàn, 文具店 wén jù diàn, 把…储备起来 bǎ … chǔ bèi qǐ lái, 商店信用卡 shāng diàn xìn yòng kǎ, 商店会员卡 shāng diàn huì yuán kǎ, 店铺抵用金, 商店经理 shāng diàn jīng lǐ, 店主 diàn zhǔ, 储存棚,储存室, 买来的 mǎi lái de, 廉价旧货商店 lián jià jiù huò shāng diàn, 玩具商店 wán jù shāng diàn, 音像销售店,盒式录像带销售店 yīn xiàng xiāo shòu diàn,hé shì lù xiàng dài xiāo shòu diàn, 音像租赁店,盒式录像带租赁店 yīn xiàng zū lìn diàn,hé shì lù xiàng dài zū lìn diàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 store 的含义

商店,店铺 shāng diàn,diàn pù

noun (mainly US (shop: retail outlet)

We have a clothing store close to home.

贮存物 zhù cún wù

noun (things stored)

We keep our store of batteries in the basement.

仓库 cāng kù

noun (place for storing)

They bought a cat to catch the mice that kept finding their way into the grain store.

储备 chǔ bèi

transitive verb (save for later)

I stored the rest of the cake for tomorrow.

把…存入仓库 bǎ … cún rù cāng kù

transitive verb (put in storage)

We stored the old books in the basement.

计算机内存,计算机存储 jì suàn jī nèi cún

noun (computer memory)

Computers have two main types of stores, main memory (RAM) and auxiliary memory (e.g. hard disks).

可贮藏 kě zhù cáng

transitive verb (have a capacity of)

This disc drive can store a huge amount of data.

储存 chǔ cún

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (save, keep in reserve)


noun (software purchasing portal)

大型商场 dà xíng shāng chǎng

noun (large retail unit)


noun (shop selling wedding clothes)

Bridal shops are reporting the usual spring increase in business.

糖果屋 táng guǒ wū

noun (confectioner's shop)

I am going to the candy store to buy some chocolate.

连锁商店 lián suǒ shāng diàn

noun (shop with many branches)

Chain stores have been the death of independent retailers.

服装商店 fú zhuāng shāng diàn

noun (shop: sells clothes)

The new mall has a clothing store that carries all of the styles that I like.


noun (refrigerated compartment)


transitive verb (keep in cold storage)


noun (dated (store for employees)

糖果店 táng guǒ diàn

noun (US (shop: sells candy)

Confectionery stores are rare now; most people buy sweets at grocery stores and big box stores.

便利店 biàn lì diàn

noun (small supermarket)

I'll just run down to the convenience store on the corner to pick up some toilet paper.

小杂货店 xiǎo zá huò diàn

noun (NZ (small grocery store)

百货公司 bǎi huò gōng sī

noun (large shop)

Macy's is a famous department store in New York City.


noun (UK, dated (department store)

折扣店 zhé kòu diàn

noun (store with lower prices)

Wal-mart and Kmart are well-recognized American discount stores.


noun (shop selling cheap items)

These sunglasses were only a buck at the dollar store. Jane's present looked as if it had been bought in a pound shop.

药房 yào fáng

noun (US (pharmacy and general shop)

Mary drove to the drug store to buy aspirin.

纺织品商店 fǎng zhī pǐn shāng diàn

noun (shop: sells fabrics, clothing)

You won't find groceries or hardware at a dry goods store.


noun (shop selling electric devices)


noun (shop selling fruit)

We purchased fresh strawberries from a local fruit store.

家具店 jiā jù diàn

noun (shop: sells furnishings)

I went to the furniture store to look for a new sofa.

杂货店 zá huò diàn

noun (US (shop selling a variety of goods)

Because of big shopping malls and supermarkets, it's hard to find a general store these days.

杂货店 zá huò diàn

noun (mainly US (supermarket, food shop)

Stella needed food, so she made a stop at the grocery store.

五金商店 wǔ jīn shāng diàn

noun (shop selling DIY or home-improvement supplies)

I went to the hardware store to buy a hammer.


verbal expression (reserve, promise for the future)

Nobody knows what tomorrow has in store.


verbal expression (reserve, promise)

Let's wait and see what next year has in store for us.


noun (shop selling organic and whole foods)

You can buy tofu in the health food store.


adverb (in reserve)

将来 jiāng lái

adverb (figurative (about to happen, for the future)

I always read my horoscope in the newspaper to find out what is in store for me.


adverb (done within a store)


adjective (available within a store)

珠宝店 zhū bǎo diàn

noun (sells, repairs jewelry)


noun (shop selling alcohol)

I stopped by the liquor store and bought a bottle of rum for tonight's party.


noun (internet shop)

宠物店 chǒng wù diàn

noun (shop selling animals, feed, etc.)

The pet store sells a wide range of tropical fish.


noun (store selling recorded music)


noun (business that hires [sth] out)

零售店 líng shòu diàn

noun (shop)

We have a retail store in the mall and a discount outlet store at the factory.

售货员 shòu huò yuán

noun (store attendant)

If you need help locating something in the store, just ask a sales clerk.

鞋店 xié diàn

noun (shop that sells footwear)

专卖店 zhuān mài diàn

noun (specialized goods)

They only sell golf shoes in that specialty store.

文具店 wén jù diàn

noun (UK (shop that sells writing materials)

The assistant went to the stationer's to buy more paper and pens.

文具店 wén jù diàn

noun (US (stationer's: selling pens, paper, etc.)

The advent of electronic communications has all but killed the local stationery store.

把…储备起来 bǎ … chǔ bèi qǐ lái


Jim stored away provisions for emergencies.

商店信用卡 shāng diàn xìn yòng kǎ

noun (customer credit card)

商店会员卡 shāng diàn huì yuán kǎ

noun (shop's loyalty or reward card)


noun (credit note)

商店经理 shāng diàn jīng lǐ

noun ([sb] who runs a shop)

The clerk wouldn't give me a refund so I asked to speak to the store manager.

店主 diàn zhǔ

noun (US (proprietor of a shop)


noun (cabin for equipment)

Thieves broke into the store shed and stole a lawnmower.

买来的 mǎi lái de

adjective (purchased ready-made)

Shop-bought bread lasts longer than home-made.

廉价旧货商店 lián jià jiù huò shāng diàn

noun (sells second-hand items)

I bought these vintage shirts at a thrift store. // Charity shops are a great place to find second-hand books.

玩具商店 wán jù shāng diàn

noun (store selling children's playthings)

In the weeks before Christmas, toy shops are packed.

音像销售店,盒式录像带销售店 yīn xiàng xiāo shòu diàn,hé shì lù xiàng dài xiāo shòu diàn

noun (dated, US (shop selling videocassettes) (旧时用语)

音像租赁店,盒式录像带租赁店 yīn xiàng zū lìn diàn,hé shì lù xiàng dài zū lìn diàn

noun (dated, US (place for renting videocassettes) (旧时用语)

I'm going to the video store to get a movie for tonight.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 store 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

store 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。