英语 中的 bin 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bin 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bin 的说明。

英语 中的bin 表示大贮藏箱 dà zhù cáng xiāng, 垃圾箱 lā jī xiāng, 扔掉 rēng diào, 定距, 眼镜 yǎn jìng, 储存 chǔ cún, 放弃 fàng qì, 折价商品区,廉价倾销柜台, 塑料垃圾袋, 男清洁工 nán qīng jié gōng, 面包盒 miàn bāo hé, 堆肥桶, 垃圾袋 lā jī dài, 垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng, 垃圾车 lā jī chē, 回到海里去, 回到海里去, (用于盛装收获的农作物的)贮物箱 yòng yú chéng zhuāng shōu huò de nóng zuò wù de zhù wù xiāng, 垃圾箱 lā jī xiāng, 疯人院 fēng rén yuàn, 废物回收筒 fèi wù huí shōu tǒng, 垃圾箱 lā jī xiāng, 带碎纸功能的垃圾桶, 受罚席 shòu fá xí, 受罚场所, 把垃圾桶拉出去, 垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng, 收垃圾的人 shōu lā jī de rén, 垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng, 废纸箱 fèi zhǐ xiāng, 有轮垃圾箱,带轮垃圾箱 yǒu lún lā jī xiāng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bin 的含义

大贮藏箱 dà zhù cáng xiāng

noun (container, basket)

A sign on the bin said, "three for $1."

垃圾箱 lā jī xiāng

noun (UK (garbage can)

Please toss your leftovers in the bin.

扔掉 rēng diào

transitive verb (UK, informal (throw away, discard)

Do you think this milk is still good? No, you'd better bin it.


noun (statistics: data interval) (数据统计)

眼镜 yǎn jìng

plural noun (UK, slang (eyeglasses)

As a child, I had to wear thick bins; these days, I wear contact lenses.

储存 chǔ cún

transitive verb (UK, usually passive (store [sth])

We bin the potatoes and onions.

放弃 fàng qì

transitive verb (UK, figurative, informal (idea, etc.: discard)

It looked like rain, so we binned the idea of a picnic in the park and had lunch at home instead.


noun (basket of discounted goods)


noun (UK (refuse sack) (套在垃圾桶上)

We put all the rubbish in a bin liner.

男清洁工 nán qīng jié gōng

noun (UK, informal, dated (male refuse collector)

面包盒 miàn bāo hé

noun (storage container for bread)

Bread boxes are not really used anymore. I haven't seen one in years.


noun (receptacle for garden waste)

We have built a compost bin at the bottom of our garden.

垃圾袋 lā jī dài

noun (bin liner, refuse sack)

I tied up the garbage bag and took it outside.

垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng

noun (receptacle for waste)

Don't leave your trash on the floor. Throw it in the garbage can! A garbage can is large, often put on the street for garbage collection.

垃圾车 lā jī chē

noun (refuse collection vehicle)

They put their trash out by the street so that the garbage truck can take it to the landfill.


verbal expression (UK, figurative, informal (expressing contempt) (表蔑视)


interjection (UK, figurative, informal (expressing contempt) (表蔑视)

(用于盛装收获的农作物的)贮物箱 yòng yú chéng zhuāng shōu huò de nóng zuò wù de zhù wù xiāng

noun (container for harvested crops)

Soon the harvest bin was overflowing with fruit.

垃圾箱 lā jī xiāng

noun (UK (trash can)

A lot of people have complained about the lack of litter bins in the area.

疯人院 fēng rén yuàn

noun (informal, offensive (psychiatric hospital) (侮辱性)

废物回收筒 fèi wù huí shōu tǒng

noun (receptacle for reusable materials)

Take the old newspapers to the recycling bin. We put newspapers, cardboard and plastic into our recycling bin.

垃圾箱 lā jī xiāng

noun (UK (trash can)

The rubbish bin's nearly overflowing!


noun (waste container with shredder)

Judy put the old contracts in the shredding bin.

受罚席 shòu fá xí

noun (UK, figurative, slang (sport: penalty box) (体育)


noun (UK, figurative, slang (place one is banished to as punishment)


verbal expression (take refuse can outdoors)

Remember to put the dustbin out tonight; the rubbish is collected early tomorrow morning.

垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng

noun (receptacle for refuse)

Take those stinky shoes outside and throw them in the trash can!

收垃圾的人 shōu lā jī de rén

noun (person employed to collect refuse)

垃圾桶 lā jī tǒng

noun (rubbish bin)

The office cleaners are responsible for emptying the wastebins.

废纸箱 fèi zhǐ xiāng

noun (UK (indoor receptacle for rubbish)

有轮垃圾箱,带轮垃圾箱 yǒu lún lā jī xiāng

noun (UK, informal (refuse bin on wheels)

James put the rubbish in the wheelie bin.

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bin 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。