英语 中的 eye 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 eye 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 eye 的说明。

英语 中的eye 表示眼睛,眼 yǎn jīng,yǎn, 视力 shì lì, 中心 zhōng xīn, 中心 zhōng xīn, 环 huán, (针)眼 zhēn yǎn, 芽眼 yá yǎn, (螺栓的)眼 luó shuān de yǎn, 花心 huā xīn, 私家侦探 sī jiā zhēn tàn, 眼睛 yǎn jīng, 看, 一群野鸡, 引起…的注意 yǐn qǐ … de zhù yì, 以牙还牙,以眼还眼 yǐ yá huán yá,yǐ yǎn huán yǎn, 以牙还牙,以眼还眼 yǐ yá huán yá,yǐ yǎn huán yǎn, 某人的掌上明珠, 美与不美,全在观者, 鸟瞰 niǎo kàn, 全景 quán jǐng, 青肿眼圈, 坏名声 huài míng shēng, 眼都不眨一下, 对…无动于衷, 靶心 bǎ xīn, 目标 mù biāo, 引人注目 yǐn rén zhù mù, 引起...的注意, 交叉眼, 鹰眼, 密切注意,近距离观察 mì qiè zhù yì,jìn jù lí guān chá, 悦目的,好看的 yuè mù de,hǎo kàn de, 看起来不累的,不伤眼的, 诅咒的眼神 zǔ zhòu de yǎn shén, 凶狠的目光 xiōng hěn de mù guāng, 眼睛痛, 吊环螺栓, 养眼的人或事物 yǎng yǎn de rén huò shì wù, 眼睛颜色, 眼神交流 yǎn shén jiāo liú, 眼科医生 yǎn kē yī shēng, 眼药水 yǎn yào shuǐ, 滴眼管, 眼科检查, 视力检查, 敏锐的观察力, 齐眼的高度, 眼罩 yǎn zhào, 眼影 yǎn yǐng, 眼窝,眼眶 yǎn wō, 眼科专家 yǎn kē zhuān jiā, 见解一致地 jiàn jiě yí zhì de, 处于同一水平, 引人注目的 yǐn rén zhù mù de, 令人大开眼界的事物 lìng rén dà kāi yǎn jiè de shì wù, 晓晨酒, 让人大开眼界的 ràng rén dà kāi yǎn jiè de, 翻白眼, 遭他人白眼的, 洗眼杯, 眼药水 yǎn yào shuǐ, 目击者 mù jī zhě, 鱼眼的, 鱼眼镜头, 向…抛媚眼 xiàng pāo mèi yǎn, 冷冷地看着,瞪了…一眼, 玻璃制的假眼 bō lí zhì de jiǎ yǎn, 引人注目 yǐn rén zhù mù, 导盲犬 dǎo máng quǎn, 对…有鉴赏力 duì yǒu jiàn shǎng lì, 钟情于 zhōng qíng yú, 看中, 盯着 dīng zhe, 有意 yǒu yì, 有意做 yǒu yì zuò, 令人瞩目地 lìng rén zhǔ mù de, 令人瞩目的 lìng rén zhǔ mù de, 转瞬之间 zhuǎn shùn zhī jiān, 敏锐目光, 密切注意 mì qiè zhù yì, 注意 zhù yì, 集中注意, 继续练习, 侮辱 wǔ rǔ, 激光眼科手术, 斜视,斜视症 xié shì,xié shì zhèng, 弱视 ruò shì, 眼线, 伦敦眼, 直视, 直视,正视,看着…的眼睛 zhèng shì, 眼神接触, 想象力 xiǎng xiàng lì, 肉眼 ròu yǎn, 眼睛都不眨一下, 眼角的余光 yǎn jiǎo de yú guāng, 传染性角膜炎 chuán rǎn xìng jiǎo mó yán, 私家侦探 sī jiā zhēn tàn, 公众的关注,公众的目光 gōng zhòng de guān zhù,gōng zhòng de mù guāng, 红眼 hóng yǎn, 红眼航班 hóng yǎn háng bān, 红眼鱼, 快速眼动, 牛里脊肉 niú lǐ jǐ ròu, 看法一致 kàn fǎ yí zhì, 尖锐的眼力 jiān ruì de yǎn lì, 睡眠 shuì mián, 比表面看到的要复杂, 肉眼看到地 ròu yǎn kàn dào de, 假装没看见, 视而不见, 对…视而不见,对…熟视无睹 duì … shì ér bú jiàn ,duì shóu shì wú dǔ / duì shú shì wú dǔ, 肉眼 ròu yǎn, 留心 liú xīn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 eye 的含义

眼睛,眼 yǎn jīng,yǎn

noun (organ of sight) (五官)

She had beautiful green eyes.

视力 shì lì

noun (figurative (sight)

He has an exceptional eye, and can read the smallest print.

中心 zhōng xīn

noun (figurative (centre)

She always likes to be right in the eye of things.

中心 zhōng xīn

noun (figurative (storm, hurricane: centre) (风暴等)

The eye of the hurricane was clearly defined.

环 huán

noun (circle, loop)

You need to hook these on the metal eyes hanging from the ceiling.

(针)眼 zhēn yǎn

noun (hole in a needle)

I used to put threads through the eyes of needles for my mother.

芽眼 yá yǎn

noun (on a potato) (土豆等植物)

You need to peel the potatoes and remove all the eyes as well.

(螺栓的)眼 luó shuān de yǎn

noun (of a bolt)

The eye of this bolt is blocked up with grease.

花心 huā xīn

noun (on a flower)

The eye of the daisy is yellow.

私家侦探 sī jiā zhēn tàn

noun (detective)

The private eye usually worked on divorce cases.

眼睛 yǎn jīng

plural noun (figurative (guide for the blind) (比喻)

The dog worked as the blind man's eyes.

transitive verb (look at)

He eyed her across the room, making her nervous.


noun (flock of pheasants)

引起…的注意 yǐn qǐ … de zhù yì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (be noticed)

以牙还牙,以眼还眼 yǐ yá huán yá,yǐ yǎn huán yǎn

noun (figurative (revenge) (报复)

He destroyed his rival's creation, saying it was an eye for an eye.

以牙还牙,以眼还眼 yǐ yá huán yá,yǐ yǎn huán yǎn

noun (figurative (justice) (公正的惩罚)

For murder, I believe an eye for an eye is fair punishment.


noun (beloved person)

Jenny loved all her children, but her eldest child was the apple of her eye.


expression (beauty is subjective)

鸟瞰 niǎo kàn

noun (view from above)

I got a bird's-eye view of the Atlantic as my plane flew over it.

全景 quán jǐng

noun (figurative (overall view)


noun (bruising around the eye)

He had a black eye after the fight.

坏名声 huài míng shēng

noun (figurative (bad reputation)

The company suffered a black eye when the police charged its chairman with fraud.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (not be shocked or disapprove) (表示毫不惊讶)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (not react to)

Joshua is so rich, he doesn't blink at paying $800 for a wristwatch.

靶心 bǎ xīn

noun (darts, archery: centre of target)

John threw a dart, which hit the bull's eye.

目标 mù biāo

noun (figurative (target, goal)

引人注目 yǐn rén zhù mù

verbal expression (be noticeable)

The bold designs and bright colours of these dresses really catch the eye.


verbal expression (be noticed)

Laura's performance in the show caught the eye of talent scouts.


plural noun (ophthalmology: eyes turned in)


noun (figurative (keen observation) (比喻观察力强)

Ray's eagle eye soon picked out the errors in the text.

密切注意,近距离观察 mì qiè zhù yì,jìn jù lí guān chá

noun (figurative (close watch) (比喻)

I know all about your behaviour at your last school so I'll be keeping an eagle eye on you. Under the teacher's eagle eye, no student dared to misbehave.

悦目的,好看的 yuè mù de,hǎo kàn de

adjective (informal, figurative (good looking)

I don't know who she is but she's very easy on the eyes.


adjective (not tiring to look at)

Staring at the television for a long period of time is not easy on the eyes.

诅咒的眼神 zǔ zhòu de yǎn shén

noun (cursed stare)

She believed someone had put the evil eye on her cattle, causing them to sicken and die.

凶狠的目光 xiōng hěn de mù guāng

noun (figurative (angry or unpleasant gaze)

She was obviously jealous and gave me the evil eye when no-one was looking.


noun (pain in eye area)


noun (metal screw with loop)

养眼的人或事物 yǎng yǎn de rén huò shì wù

noun (slang ([sb], [sth] attractive) (俚语)

There was some very nice eye candy at the party last night.


noun (color of the irises)

眼神交流 yǎn shén jiāo liú

noun (looking into [sb]'s eyes)

Eye contact is important when communicating with others.

眼科医生 yǎn kē yī shēng

noun (ophthalmologist)

眼药水 yǎn yào shuǐ

plural noun (solution applied to eye)


noun (pipette)


noun (colloquial (inspection by an ophthalmologist)


noun (colloquial (sight test)

You don't need to take another driving test to renew your license, you just have to take an eye exam to prove to the inspector that you can still see well enough to drive.


noun (keen observational skills)


noun (same height as [sb]'s eyes)

眼罩 yǎn zhào

noun (covering for one eye) (多为因受伤而戴上的)

眼影 yǎn yǐng

noun (make-up for the eyelids)

She was wearing far too much eye shadow. My wife always takes forever to put on her eye shadow!

眼窝,眼眶 yǎn wō

(anatomy) (解剖学)

眼科专家 yǎn kē zhuān jiā

noun (ophthalmologist)

见解一致地 jiàn jiě yí zhì de

adverb (figurative (in agreement)

My parents aren't always eye to eye on politics.


adverb (on the same level)

引人注目的 yǐn rén zhù mù de

adjective (attractive, grabbing the attention)

That shirt's a very eye-catching colour. His sports car is very eye-catching.

令人大开眼界的事物 lìng rén dà kāi yǎn jiè de shì wù

noun (figurative, informal ([sth] surprising or revelatory)

The talk was a real eye-opener. I learnt lots of new things.


noun (US, informal (alcoholic drink in morning) (一种醒神酒)

Pete poured himself an eye-opener as soon as he got out of bed.

让人大开眼界的 ràng rén dà kāi yǎn jiè de

adjective (revelatory, revealing)

Seeing where caviar comes from is an eye-opening experience.


noun (raising eyes upward in exasperation)


adjective (causing [sb] to raise eyes in exasperation)


noun (device for washing eye)

眼药水 yǎn yào shuǐ

plural noun (medication dropped into the eye)

If your eyes get too dry, use some eyedrops.

目击者 mù jī zhě

noun (person who has seen a crime)

Two eyewitnesses were called to testify during the trial.


adjective (lens, view: wide-angle) (镜头、视图:广角的)

This photograph was taken with a wide-angled lens, and shows a fisheye view of the city.


noun (convex, very wide-angle lens) (一种相机镜头)

Using a fisheye lens makes mediocre skateboarders look great.

向…抛媚眼 xiàng pāo mèi yǎn

verbal expression (UK, informal, figurative (look at [sb] seductively)


verbal expression (US, informal (look at critically)

A woman stole my parking spot, so when I saw her in the store, I gave her the eye.

玻璃制的假眼 bō lí zhì de jiǎ yǎn

noun (false eyeball)

Every night before I go to bed I take out my glass eye and put it in a bowl of water by the bed.

引人注目 yǐn rén zhù mù

verbal expression (informal, figurative (attract attention)

Wow, that's an outfit that'll grab the eye.

导盲犬 dǎo máng quǎn

noun (blind person's assistance dog)

Labradors have traditionally been used as guide dogs.

对…有鉴赏力 duì yǒu jiàn shǎng lì

verbal expression (informal (notice)

The painter has an eye for detail.

钟情于 zhōng qíng yú

verbal expression (slang (be attracted)

That guy has an eye for the ladies.


verbal expression (want)

I've got my eye on a little yellow handbag I saw in a shop window.

盯着 dīng zhe

verbal expression (watch)

I've got my eye on you, young man. So behave!

有意 yǒu yì

verbal expression (aim, intend)

The company has an eye on future expansion into overseas markets.

有意做 yǒu yì zuò

verbal expression (aim, intend)

I keep working this job, but I have my eye on going back to college.

令人瞩目地 lìng rén zhǔ mù de

adverb (featured prominently in the media)

If you're going to be a politician you have to be prepared to live in the public eye.

令人瞩目的 lìng rén zhǔ mù de

adjective (prominent, featured in the media)

Kate Middleton has been in the public eye since she became engaged to Prince William.

转瞬之间 zhuǎn shùn zhī jiān

expression (figurative, informal (instant, brief moment)

And in the twinkling of an eye she was gone.


noun (good ability to find [sth])

密切注意 mì qiè zhù yì

verbal expression (informal (watch carefully)

When cooking soufflés, you need to keep an eye on them so they don't fall.

注意 zhù yì

transitive verb (informal (remain vigilant for)

It's important to keep an eye out for dangerous snakes in the bush. Keep an eye out for a parking spot.


verbal expression (figurative (be attentive, alert)


verbal expression (UK, informal (continue to practice)

侮辱 wǔ rǔ

noun (UK, figurative, informal (insult, rejection)


noun (operation to correct vision)

斜视,斜视症 xié shì,xié shì zhèng

noun (informal (squint, inability to focus) (非正式用语)

弱视 ruò shì

noun (formal (amblyopia, dim vision in apparently normal eye) (正式用语)

Children with a lazy eye have to wear an eye patch.


noun (eye liner)

Rachel put some fresh eye liner on.


noun (London's big wheel)


verbal expression (look directly at)

直视,正视,看着…的眼睛 zhèng shì

verbal expression (not feel ashamed) (坦然地)

Can you look me in the eye and tell me you didn't cheat on the test?


verbal expression (look directly into [sb]'s eyes)

People who are lying often avoid making eye contact.

想象力 xiǎng xiàng lì

noun (imagination)

In my mind's eye, I can picture the big house that I will live in one day.

肉眼 ròu yǎn

noun (figurative (eyesight: without optical aids)

The naked eye cannot see infrared light.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (be impassive, not react) (比喻,非正式用语)

The defendant didn't bat an eyelid when the prosecutor suggested she had intended to commit murder.

眼角的余光 yǎn jiǎo de yú guāng

adverb (in your peripheral vision)

She couldn't describe him accurately because she'd only seen him out of the corner of her eye.

传染性角膜炎 chuán rǎn xìng jiǎo mó yán

noun (US, informal (conjunctivitis: eye inflammation)

Pinkeye is so contagious that people are often asked to stay home from work until their symptoms disappear.

私家侦探 sī jiā zhēn tàn

noun (informal (privately-hired detective)

Thompson hired a private eye to find out if his wife was having an affair.

公众的关注,公众的目光 gōng zhòng de guān zhù,gōng zhòng de mù guāng

noun (figurative (attention of the general public) (比喻)

The children of politicians grow up in the public eye.

红眼 hóng yǎn

noun (uncountable (camera flash reflection in the eyes) (照片上的)

Most modern cameras have a setting which helps to reduce red-eye.

红眼航班 hóng yǎn háng bān

noun (informal (late-night plane flight)

I'm exhausted: I took the red-eye from London to New York.


noun (fish)


noun (acronym (rapid eye movement)

牛里脊肉 niú lǐ jǐ ròu

noun (cut of beef: steak)

看法一致 kàn fǎ yí zhì

verbal expression (figurative (agree)

We don't always see eye to eye.

尖锐的眼力 jiān ruì de yǎn lì

noun (figurative (keen powers of observation) (比喻)

He has a sharp eye for spelling mistakes.

睡眠 shuì mián

noun (informal (sleep)

Tania is exhausted and really needs to get some shuteye.


expression (This is not what it seems)

It seems like he's vanished into thin air, but that's impossible. There's more to this situation than meets the eye.

肉眼看到地 ròu yǎn kàn dào de

expression (without use of optical aids)

On a clear night, Jupiter is visible to the naked eye.

假装没看见, 视而不见

verbal expression (figurative (pretend not to see [sth]) (比喻)

I knew exactly what she was up to but decided to turn a blind eye.

对…视而不见,对…熟视无睹 duì … shì ér bú jiàn ,duì shóu shì wú dǔ / duì shú shì wú dǔ

verbal expression (figurative (pretend not to see)

The corrupt inspector agreed to turn a blind eye to the safety violations.

肉眼 ròu yǎn

noun (normal powers of vision)

After they reach age 40, people may no longer see small details with the unaided eye. You cannot see the animal life in this water sample with an unaided eye.

留心 liú xīn

noun (attention, vigilance)

Sue kept a watchful eye as the children played on the seashore.

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