英语 中的 face 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 face 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 face 的说明。

英语 中的face 表示脸 liǎn, 面向 miàn xiàng, 面对 miàn duì, 脸色 liǎn sè, 鬼脸 guǐ liǎn, 表面 biǎo miàn, 正面,外观面 zhèng miàn,wài guān miàn, 厚颜无耻,厚脸皮 hòu yán wú chǐ,hòu liǎn pí, 正面 zhèng miàn, 面 miàn, 版面,排版 bǎn miàn,pái bǎn, 采掘面 cǎi jué miàn, 代表人物, 转向 zhuǎn xiàng, 面向 miàn xiàng, 正对 zhèng duì, 面对 miàn duì, 用…覆盖 yòng … fù gài, 翻开, 转向,向...转 zhuǎn xiàng, 将(球)放在中间准备开球 jiāng qiú fàng zài zhōng jiān zhǔn bèi kāi qiú, 面对 miàn duì, 花盘, 保护罩 bǎo hù zhào, 面罩 miàn zhào, 电视荧光屏, 压倒 yā dǎo, 面朝外, 正视 zhèng shì, 面对,直面 miàn duì, 彻底转变 chè dǐ zhuǎn biàn, 向后转, 向后转!, 向后转, 大转变, 根据表面判断, 娃娃脸 wá wa liǎn, 长着娃娃脸的人, (气得)面色发青的,怒容满面的 qì de miàn sè fā qīng de,nù róng mǎn miàn de, 崖面 yá miàn, 钟面,表盘, 与…当面对质,与…面对面 yǔ dāng miàn duì zhì,yǔ miàn duì miàn, 跟自己过不去, 在…的脸上刻下皱纹, 人头牌,人面牌 rén tóu pái,rén miàn pái, 面霜, 脸朝下 liǎn cháo xià, 毛巾 máo jīn, 面对它, 面对现实, 接受事实, 正视事实, 面部整容 miàn bù zhěng róng, 面罩 miàn zhào, 口罩, 面罩 miàn zhào, 面膜, 天使的脸, 对峙 duì zhì, 开球 kāi qiú, 开球 kāi qiú, 对峙 duì zhì, 面部彩绘颜料, 面部彩绘, 蜜粉, 承担后果 chéng dān hòu guǒ, 面对面 miàn duì miàn, 与...对峙, 面朝上, 票面价值,面值 piào miàn jià zhí,miàn zhí, 保留颜面的, 面对面的 miàn duì miàn de, 面对面会议 miàn duì miàn huì yì, 洗脸毛巾 xǐ liǎn máo jīn, 与...形成鲜明对比, 字体 zì tǐ, 蠢货 chǔn huò, 全罩式的, 正面的 zhèng miàn de, 尴尬 gān gà, 惭愧,羞愧 cán kuì,xiū kuì, 掩面,把脸遮住 yǎn miàn,bǎ liǎn zhē zhù, 直接 zhí jiē, 在脸上 zài liǎn shàng, 尽管 jǐn guǎn, 面对 miàn duì, 面对死亡 miàn duì sǐ wáng, 去你的,要你好看 qù nǐ de ,yào nǐ hǎo kàn, 挑衅的,放肆的 tiǎo xìn de ,fàng sì de, 拉长脸 lā cháng liǎn, 撅起嘴唇, 当面嘲笑 dāng miàn cháo xiào, 郁郁寡欢的脸色 yù yù guǎ huān de liǎn sè, 丢脸 diū liǎn, 做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn, 面对面会谈 miàn duì miàn huì tán, 实际会面 shí jì huì miàn, 表面上 biǎo miàn shàng, 单片的,开口的, 外层 wài céng, 扑克脸, 面无表情的人, 做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn, 装出一副若无其事的样子, 天生臭脸, 向右转 xiàng yòu zhuǎn, 石面, 保全脸面, 闭嘴!,住口!, 掌掴,打耳光 zhǎng guó,dǎ ěr guāng, 侮辱,拒绝,打击,羞辱 wǔ rǔ,jù jué,dǎ jī,xiū rǔ, 笑容符号 xiào róng fú hào, 面无表情, 大吃大喝 dà chī dà hē, 医用外科口罩, 翻某人的旧账 fān mǒu rén de jiù zhàng, 当着你面地 dāng zhe nǐ miàn de, 转变位置,转过来, 彻底转变 chè dǐ zhuǎn biàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 face 的含义

脸 liǎn

noun (front of head)

The ball hit him in the face.

面向 miàn xiàng

transitive verb (look towards)

Face the teacher when you're talking to her.

面对 miàn duì

transitive verb (accept reality)

We have to face the facts.

脸色 liǎn sè

noun (expression)

She did not have a happy face that day.

鬼脸 guǐ liǎn

noun (often plural (grimace)

Stop pulling faces!

表面 biǎo miàn

noun (surface)

I was the luckiest man on the face of the earth.

正面,外观面 zhèng miàn,wài guān miàn

noun (façade) (建筑物)

The face of the house was covered in plaster.

厚颜无耻,厚脸皮 hòu yán wú chǐ,hòu liǎn pí

noun (figurative, informal (impudence) (非正式用语)

He had the face to ask me for more money!

正面 zhèng miàn

noun (visible side)

She placed the card face down on the table.

面 miàn

noun (geometry: side) (几何)

A cube has six faces.

版面,排版 bǎn miàn,pái bǎn

noun (typography: design) (印刷)

They used a large, heavy face for the title.

采掘面 cǎi jué miàn

noun (mining: wall) (采矿)

They drilled into the face of the rock.


noun (figurative (public representation)

The face of the party must be someone who appeals to all voters.

转向 zhuǎn xiàng

intransitive verb (turn)

Her mind faces towards the future.

面向 miàn xiàng

intransitive verb (be orientated)

Our bedroom faces east.

正对 zhèng duì

transitive verb (turn toward)

Turn and face the audience.

面对 miàn duì

transitive verb (confront) (比喻)

You've got to face your problems.

用…覆盖 yòng … fù gài

transitive verb (cover)

The front of the house was faced with limestone.


transitive verb (card: turn upward) (纸牌)

Lay your cards down without facing any of them.

转向,向...转 zhuǎn xiàng

transitive verb (soldiers: turn toward)

Face the soldier to your right!

将(球)放在中间准备开球 jiāng qiú fàng zài zhōng jiān zhǔn bèi kāi qiú

transitive verb (ice hockey: drop a puck) (冰球)

The referee faced the ball between the two opposing players.

面对 miàn duì

transitive verb (have difficulty ahead) (困难、厄运等)

Voters will be facing a tough choice in the upcoming election.


noun (machinery: part of lathe) (车床夹具附件)

保护罩 bǎo hù zhào

noun (building: covering of switch, outlet) (开关、电源等)

面罩 miàn zhào

noun (helmet: face shield) (头盔)


noun (TV screen)

压倒 yā dǎo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (overcome by confronting)

I faced down my attacker and he ran away.


phrasal verb, intransitive (be looking outwards)

正视 zhèng shì

(colloquial (acknowledge: [sth] unpleasant)

You need to face up to reality, and deal with the matter swiftly.

面对,直面 miàn duì

(colloquial (confront)

If you face up to bullies, they usually leave you alone afterwards.

彻底转变 chè dǐ zhuǎn biàn

noun (figurative (policy, opinion: reversal) (观点、政策的)

Following a strong public outcry, the politician did an about-face regarding his position on global warming.


noun (military: turn)


interjection (military: turn) (军事)

Company halt! About-face! Forward march!


intransitive verb (military: perform a turn)


intransitive verb (turn in opposite direction)


adverb (figurative (for its apparent worth)

You can't take what she says at face value: she always has an agenda.

娃娃脸 wá wa liǎn

noun (child-like facial features)

She has such a baby face, you'd never guess she was in her thirties.


noun (informal ([sb] with a child-like face)

Without that beard, you can clearly see that he's a baby face.

(气得)面色发青的,怒容满面的 qì de miàn sè fā qīng de,nù róng mǎn miàn de

adjective (figurative, informal (exasperated) (比喻)

I've told my daughter to pick up her clothes until I'm blue in the face.

崖面 yá miàn

noun (vertical surface of a cliff)

Many climbed the slope but he was the first to conquer the sheer wall of the cliff face.


noun (display of an analogue timepiece)

与…当面对质,与…面对面 yǔ dāng miàn duì zhì,yǔ miàn duì miàn

verbal expression (literal, figurative (be confronted by, meet [sb], [sth])

I knew that at some point, I would have to come face to face with my ex.


verbal expression (figurative (put self at disadvantage through spite)


verbal expression (figurative (time, etc.: age [sb])

Time had etched deep lines on Leon's face.

人头牌,人面牌 rén tóu pái,rén miàn pái

noun (playing cards: king, queen or jack) (纸牌中的K、Q、J三种牌)

The king, queen and jack are called face cards.


noun (lotion for facial skin)

脸朝下 liǎn cháo xià

adverb (facing downwards)

Place the document face down on the glass to scan it. After tripping over the roller skate, he found himself face down on the sidewalk.

毛巾 máo jīn

noun (UK (washcloth)

面对它, 面对现实, 接受事实, 正视事实

interjection (informal (accept reality)

Face it, Peter – you're just not a very good singer. Face it - your mother's gone and nothing you do can bring her back.

面部整容 miàn bù zhěng róng

noun (surgery: tightens facial skin)

Mary looked fantastic after her facelift. // Many celebrities get face-lifts to appear younger.

面罩 miàn zhào

noun (sports: protective equipment) (运动: 防护装备)


noun (hygienic face covering)

面罩 miàn zhào

noun (face shield)


noun (facial skin cleansing substance)


noun (sweet and innocent appearance) (比喻义)

She was evil to the core but she had the face of an angel.

对峙 duì zhì

noun (confrontation)

The situation triggered a face-off between the government and farmers.

开球 kāi qiú

noun (ice hockey: start of play)

开球 kāi qiú

intransitive verb (ice hockey: start play)

对峙 duì zhì

intransitive verb (sports: compete)

England and France are due to face off in tomorrow's final.


noun (paints for decorating face)


noun (decorating the face with paint)



承担后果 chéng dān hòu guǒ

verbal expression (figurative, informal (confront [sth]'s consequences) (比喻,非正式用语)

His only option was to go home and face the music.

面对面 miàn duì miàn

adverb (in person)

We exchanged emails for a year before finally meeting face to face. We'd seen each other's photos, but the first time we met face to face was a shock.


expression (confronted with, meeting)

Walking in the woods, the man was shocked to find himself face-to-face with a bear.


adverb (facing upwards)

Start the game by drawing a card from the pack and placing it face up on the table.

票面价值,面值 piào miàn jià zhí,miàn zhí

noun (monetary worth as printed) (钞票)

Banks will only cash notes for their face value.


adjective (preserving reputation)

面对面的 miàn duì miàn de

adjective (direct, in person)

Our first face-to-face encounter was way back in 1982. This school provides both online and face-to-face tutoring.

面对面会议 miàn duì miàn huì yì

noun (in-person discussion)

When discussing matters like these, it's usually better to have a face-to-face meeting.

洗脸毛巾 xǐ liǎn máo jīn

noun (face flannel, wash cloth)


verbal expression (figurative (contradict completely)

字体 zì tǐ

noun (printing: typeface) (印刷)

蠢货 chǔn huò

noun (vulgar, pejorative, offensive, slang (insult) (侮辱性俚语)

What's your problem, f*** face?


noun as adjective (veil, helmet: covering the whole face)

正面的 zhèng miàn de

noun as adjective (portrait, photo of face: from the front)

尴尬 gān gà

verbal expression (figurative (be embarrassed)

惭愧,羞愧 cán kuì,xiū kuì

intransitive verb (figurative (be ashamed)

You were so rude to her - you'll have to hide your face in future.

掩面,把脸遮住 yǎn miàn,bǎ liǎn zhē zhù

intransitive verb (cover your features)

It is common for Muslim women to hide their faces in public.

直接 zhí jiē

adverb (figurative (head on, directly)

He stared death in the face when he came off his motorcycle.

在脸上 zài liǎn shàng

adverb (in the front of one's head)

I'm having persistent pains in the face, doctor.

尽管 jǐn guǎn

expression (despite)

In the face of all her problems, Mary persisted in her studies.

面对 miàn duì

expression (when confronted with)

In the face of the angry crowd, the speaker maintained her calm.

面对死亡 miàn duì sǐ wáng

expression (when confronting death)

A bullfighter stands in the face of death every time he goes into the ring.

去你的,要你好看 qù nǐ de ,yào nǐ hǎo kàn

interjection (US, figurative, slang (defiance) (表示轻蔑)

You thought I couldn't win? Well, I did! In your face!

挑衅的,放肆的 tiǎo xìn de ,fàng sì de

adjective (figurative, slang (bold, provocative)

Consumers resent the intrusion of in-your-face advertising into their lives.

拉长脸 lā cháng liǎn

verbal expression (informal (look serious, avoid smiling)

I couldn't keep a straight face when she said she was a virgin. It was difficult to keep a straight face when I played that prank on my coworkers.


noun (informal (puckered mouth) (作接吻状)

当面嘲笑 dāng miàn cháo xiào

verbal expression (informal (greet [sb] with derision)

When he suggested that I pay $10,000 for that piece of junk, I laughed in his face.

郁郁寡欢的脸色 yù yù guǎ huān de liǎn sè

noun (figurative (sad expression)

You got everything you wanted, so why the long face?

丢脸 diū liǎn

verbal expression (be embarrassed)

做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn

verbal expression (informal (make silly facial expression)

To make me laugh, my dad made funny faces at me.

面对面会谈 miàn duì miàn huì tán

verbal expression (hold a meeting in person)

Email and conference calls can't replace meeting face to face.

实际会面 shí jì huì miàn

verbal expression (encounter in the flesh)

While I was out hiking, I met face to face with a mountain lion.

表面上 biǎo miàn shàng

expression (figurative (superficially)

On the face of it, he's a great candidate, but have you checked out his references yet?


adjective (US (sandwich: no bread on top) (三明治)

外层 wài céng

noun (exterior surface)

The outer face of the building was covered in marble.


noun (face: no expression)


noun ([sb] who shows no emotion)

做鬼脸 zuò guǐ liǎn

verbal expression (make a facial expression)

The little girl pulled a face when her mother told her they were having fish for dinner.


verbal expression (informal (endure [sth])

Let's put on a brave face and get on with it.


noun (humorous, vulgar, informal (unsmiling expression)

向右转 xiàng yòu zhuǎn

interjection (military: turn to the right) (口令)

The sergeant yelled “Right face!” in my ear.


noun (rock: exposed vertical surface)


verbal expression (avoid humiliation)


interjection (UK, impolite, slang (stop talking)

掌掴,打耳光 zhǎng guó,dǎ ěr guāng

noun (smack on the cheek)

侮辱,拒绝,打击,羞辱 wǔ rǔ,jù jué,dǎ jī,xiū rǔ

noun (figurative (insult, rejection)

His refusal to accept my apology was a slap in the face.

笑容符号 xiào róng fú hào

noun (typed emoticon)

It's unprofessional to put smileys in work emails.


noun (unsmiling expression)

大吃大喝 dà chī dà hē

verbal expression (informal (eat greedily)

I stuffed my face at dinner and now my belly hurts.


noun (medicine: hygienic face covering)

翻某人的旧账 fān mǒu rén de jiù zhàng

verbal expression (figurative (charge with past misdeeds)

I wish you wouldn't throw that incident back in my face every time we have a row!

当着你面地 dāng zhe nǐ miàn de

adverb (informal (in person, directly) (非正式用语)

I don't mind telling you to your face that I think you're a fool.


noun (Gallicism (turning around)

彻底转变 chè dǐ zhuǎn biàn

noun (Gallicism (reversal in opinion or policy) (观点、政策等)

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face 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。