英语 中的 ticket 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 ticket 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 ticket 的说明。

英语 中的ticket 表示入场券 rù chǎng quàn, 车票 chē piào, 收据,小票 shōu jù, 交通违章罚款通知单 jiāo tōng wéi zhāng fá kuǎn tōng zhī dān, 支持请求单, 标签 biāo qiān, 候选人的名单 hòu xuǎn rén de míng dān, 对…发出传票, 在…贴标签, 卖票给 mài piào gěi, 机票 jī piào, 昂贵的 áng guì de, 汽车票, 赠票 zèng piào, 电子票, 机票 jī piào, 免费票 miǎn fèi piào, 黄金入场券, 恰好是所需之物, 彩票,奖券 cǎi piào, 电影票, 单程票 dān chéng piào, 违规停车罚单 wéi guī tíng chē fá dān, 飞机票 fēi jī piào, 在票上打孔 zài piào shàng dǎ kǒng, 奖券, 返程票 fǎn chéng piào, 往返票 wǎng fǎn piào, 季票 jì piào, 赛季票 sài jì piào, 单程票 dān chéng piào, 超速罚单 chāo sù fá dān, 正是所需要的东西 zhèng shì suǒ xū yào de dōng xī, 售票代理 shòu piào dài lǐ, 售票代理 shòu piào dài lǐ, 售票亭 shòu piào tíng, 收票员 shōu piào yuán, 持票人, 票夹, 售票机 shòu piào jī, 售票处 shòu piào chù, 售票处 shòu piào chù, 交通罚单 jiāo tōng fá chán, 火车票 huǒ chē piào。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 ticket 的含义

入场券 rù chǎng quàn

noun (paid admission to [sth])

I've bought two tickets for the opera.

车票 chē piào

noun (for transport)

Keep your ticket until you've finished your journey.

收据,小票 shōu jù

noun (receipt, token)

Just hand in your ticket when you're ready to leave and we'll return your coat.

交通违章罚款通知单 jiāo tōng wéi zhāng fá kuǎn tōng zhī dān

noun (traffic violation)

I got a ticket for speeding.


noun (computing: support request) (计算机)

If you have a problem, open a ticket with our support team.

标签 biāo qiān

noun (tag)

There's no ticket on this suitcase to indicate the price.

候选人的名单 hòu xuǎn rén de míng dān

noun (US (elections)

I don't know whether to vote for the Republican or Democratic ticket.


transitive verb (give a summons)

The policeman ticketed me for speeding.


transitive verb (label)

You should ticket each item that you want to sell.

卖票给 mài piào gěi

transitive verb (sell tickets to [sb])

Once I've ticketed you, you can enter.

机票 jī piào

noun (for plane travel)

Almost all airline tickets are electronic nowadays.

昂贵的 áng guì de

adjective (US (expensive, costly)


noun (ticket: bus ride)

He lost his bus ticket and ran out of money, so he had to walk home.

赠票 zèng piào

noun (free entry)

Milton has given me a few complimentary tickets to see his latest show.


noun (abbreviation (electronic ticket)

机票 jī piào

noun (ticket for a plane journey)

免费票 miǎn fèi piào

noun (entitlement to [sth] at no cost)

I've got some free tickets to the theatre – would you like to come?


noun (figurative (key to a great opportunity) (良机)


expression (figurative (exactly what is wanted)

A cup of tea is just the ticket right now.

彩票,奖券 cǎi piào

noun (slip with numbers on for a draw)

I buy a lottery ticket every day.


noun (slip allowing entry to cinema)

单程票 dān chéng piào

noun (transport: single-journey fare)

I didn't know when I would be coming back, so I bought a one-way ticket.

违规停车罚单 wéi guī tíng chē fá dān

noun (written notice of a parking violation)

If you let the meter run out, they're likely to give you a parking ticket.

飞机票 fēi jī piào

noun (entitlement to travel by aircraft)

Have you booked your plane ticket yet? The use of paper plane tickets is declining in the age of computers.

在票上打孔 zài piào shàng dǎ kǒng

verbal expression (ticket: validate by perforating)

Train conductors punch passengers' tickets so they're not used again.


noun (numbered ticket in a lottery)

I've lost my raffle ticket so there's no way I can win.

返程票 fǎn chéng piào

noun (entitlement to make a round trip)

Would you like a single or return ticket, sir?

往返票 wǎng fǎn piào

noun (ticket for going and returning)

季票 jì piào

noun (ticket valid for certain period)

We have a season ticket for all the performances at our local theatre.

赛季票 sài jì piào

noun (US (ticket to a series of performances)

He went to every baseball game that fall because he had season tickets.

单程票 dān chéng piào

(one-way ticket)

超速罚单 chāo sù fá dān

noun (notice of traffic violation)

If I get one more speeding ticket, the state will suspend my license.

正是所需要的东西 zhèng shì suǒ xū yào de dōng xī

interjection (informal (that is exactly what's needed)

That's the ticket! Now you're sure to win the science fair.

售票代理 shòu piào dài lǐ

noun (business that sells tickets)

Most concert venues sell through ticket agencies.

售票代理 shòu piào dài lǐ

noun (business that sells tickets)

A ticket agent can help you arrange your trip to Asia. I'll see if the ticket agent has anything suitable.

售票亭 shòu piào tíng

noun (kiosk: sells tickets)

The ticket booth at the theater offers last-minute discounts.

收票员 shōu piào yuán

noun (transport worker who checks tickets)

Stewardesses act as ticket collectors when passengers board a plane.


noun ([sb] who has ticket)

Ticket holders must sit in their designated seats.


noun (container for ticket)

Sarah bought a leather ticket holder.

售票机 shòu piào jī

noun (automated ticket dispenser)

I had to rush and get my ticket from the ticket machine before the train left.

售票处 shòu piào chù

noun (booth or kiosk selling tickets)

售票处 shòu piào chù

noun (kiosk where tickets are sold)

交通罚单 jiāo tōng fá chán

noun (notice of traffic violation)

火车票 huǒ chē piào

noun (ticket for travel by railway)

Train tickets, like airline tickets, can be purchased through a travel agent.

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ticket 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。