英语 中的 then 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 then 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 then 的说明。
英语 中的then 表示然后 rán hòu, 那时 nà shí, 那么 nà me, 当时 dāng shí, 另外 lìng wài, 如果这样的话 rú guǒ zhè yàng de huà, 然后 rán hòu, 那么 nà me, 然后 rán hòu, 远不止此 yuǎn bù zhǐ cǐ, 那时 nà shí, 从现在到未来某时这段时间 cóng xiàn zài dào wèi lái mǒu shí zhè duàn shí jiān, 但 dàn, 到那时候 dào nà shí hòu, 即使在那时候 jí shǐ zài nà shí hòu, 有时,有时候 yǒu shí, 从那时起 cóng nà shí qǐ, 正在那时 zhèng zài nà shí, 有时 yǒu shí, 到时候见!, 从那时起 cóng nà shí qǐ, 以后再说, 然而 rán ér, 当时当地, 其次 qí cì, 直到那时候 zhí dào nà shí hòu, 到那时 dào nà shí, 直到那时 zhí dào nà shí, 在(未来)某一刻到来之前,直到那时 zài wèi lái mǒu yí kè dào lái zhī qián,zhí dào nà shí。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 then 的含义
然后 rán hòuadverb (afterward, next) He went to the post office, then he went to the bank. 他先去了邮局,然后又去了银行。 |
那时 nà shíadverb (at that time) Yesterday? What were you doing then? 昨天?你那时在做什么? |
那么 nà meadverb (consequently) If you eat all your food, then you will have pie as a reward. 如果你把自己那份食物全部吃完,就会得到馅饼作为奖励。 |
当时 dāng shíadjective (at that time) When I met him, the then 17-year-old was the star of his school's basketball team. 当我初识他时,当时17岁的他还是他们学校篮球队的明星。 |
另外 lìng wàiadverb (also, in addition) I need apples, and then I want flour and sugar. 我需要几个苹果,另外还有面粉和糖。 |
如果这样的话 rú guǒ zhè yàng de huàadverb (in that case) You are staying home tonight? Then I'll stay home, too. 你今晚要待在家里?如果这样的话,我也要待在家里。 |
然后 rán hòuadverb (next, in location) Bobby was first in line, Elena second, then Peter, then Nicole. 队伍里鲍比排第一,埃琳娜第二,然后是皮特,然后是妮可。 |
那么 nà meadverb (used to finish sentence) We'll talk next week then! |
然后 rán hòuconjunction (immediately afterwards) We'll finish painting, and then we'll eat dinner. 我们先要完成绘画,然后我们会进晚餐。 |
远不止此 yuǎn bù zhǐ cǐadverb (informal (even more) (非正式用语) If you will sell me your car, I will give you your price and then some. |
那时 nà shíadverb (in those days) Back then most people didn't even have cell phones. 那时,多数的人连手机都没有。 |
从现在到未来某时这段时间 cóng xiàn zài dào wèi lái mǒu shí zhè duàn shí jiānadverb (from now until a future time) You'd better do a lot of work between now and then. |
但 dànconjunction (on the other hand) |
到那时候 dào nà shí hòuadverb (sometime before a future point) By then it will be too late. The party starts at 7:00? That's okay – I should be ready by then. 到那时候就太晚了。派对7点开始?好的,到那时候我应该准备好了。 |
即使在那时候 jí shǐ zài nà shí hòuadverb (already) I was only five years old, but even then I knew that war was a terrible thing. 我当时只有五岁,但即使是那个时候,我也知道战争是一件非常可怕的事。 |
有时,有时候 yǒu shíexpression (informal (occasionally) Every now and then, a stray cat comes into our yard. 时不时就会有流浪猫跑进我们的院子。 |
从那时起 cóng nà shí qǐadverb (starting from that point) Bill was so grateful for Jenny's help, that from then on they were best friends. |
正在那时 zhèng zài nà shíadverb (at that moment) She got into bed, but just then the telephone rang. |
有时 yǒu shíadverb (occasionally) My grandpa drinks a pint now and then. We go out for dinner now and then, but not very often. 我们偶尔出去吃晚餐,但并不常常。 |
到时候见!interjection (informal (Goodbye for now!) |
从那时起 cóng nà shí qǐadverb (between then and now) The last time I saw Lou was two years ago; she's grown so much since then! |
以后再说expression (Let's try again sometime in the future.) |
然而 rán érconjunction (colloquial (on the other hand, however) I think I'll go to the party tonight. Then again, I might not. |
当时当地expression (at that exact moment and place) |
其次 qí cìexpression (on second thoughts, however) |
直到那时候 zhí dào nà shí hòuadverb (informal (until then: to a specified past moment) I met my wife last May. Till then I'd never been in love. |
到那时 dào nà shíadverb (informal (until then: before a given future point) |
直到那时 zhí dào nà shíadverb (up to that point in the past) (指过去某一时刻) He got married when he was 40. Until then he always lived alone. 他40岁结婚,此前,他一直都独居。 |
在(未来)某一刻到来之前,直到那时 zài wèi lái mǒu yí kè dào lái zhī qián,zhí dào nà shíadverb (before a specified point in the future) (指未来某一时刻) He's going to start school in the fall. Until then he'll live at home. 他秋季就要入学了,直到那时他都会住在家里。 |
让我们学习 英语
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你知道 英语
英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。