英语 中的 piercing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 piercing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 piercing 的说明。

英语 中的piercing 表示打洞 dǎ dòng, 扎眼 zhā yǎn, 刺痛的 cì tòng de, 刺耳的,有穿透力的 cì ěr de, 洞察的, 锋利的 fēng lì de, 打动人心的, 摄人心魄的, 锋利的 fēng lì de, 在…上打洞, 给某人打耳洞,给某人的耳朵打洞, 刺入 cì rù, 刺骨 cì gǔ, 识破, 刺破 cì pò, 穿破,穿透,穿过 chuān pò,chuān tòu,chuān guò, 穿透,穿破 chuān tòu,chuān pò, 刺透,刺穿 cì tòu,cì chuān, 刺透,穿透,痛彻(心扉) cì tòu,chuān tòu, 穿甲的,破甲的, 耳软骨穿孔, 耳洞, 打耳洞, 刺耳的 cì ěr de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 piercing 的含义

打洞 dǎ dòng

noun (uncountable (body modification) (在身上)

Piercing and tattoos are very popular these days.

扎眼 zhā yǎn

noun (hole for earring, etc.)

Dan has an eyebrow piercing. After a few months of not wearing her nose stud, Erica's piercing closed up.

刺痛的 cì tòng de

adjective (figurative (pain, etc.: sharp)

The piercing cold was unbearable. John knew from the piercing pain in his leg that he could not go on.

刺耳的,有穿透力的 cì ěr de

adjective (figurative (scream, etc.: high-pitched) (尖叫声等)

Samantha's piercing scream could be heard in the next street.


adjective (figurative (penetrating)

David knew Hannah was lying and gave her a piercing look.

锋利的 fēng lì de

adjective (that breaks surface)

The piercing arrows rained down on the enemy.


adjective (causing strong emotion)

Glenn was struck by a piercing memory of his former happiness.


adjective (figurative (intense)

Aiden was tall and dark with piercing eyes.

锋利的 fēng lì de

adjective (incisive)

Audrey is known for her piercing wisdom. Tania's piercing wit had everyone at the dinner table in stitches.


transitive verb (make: a hole in [sth])

The drill pierced the wall.


transitive verb (make holes in: earlobes)

My mother pierced my ears when I was thirteen.

刺入 cì rù

transitive verb (break through, penetrate)

The squadron pierced the enemy's defences. The sun pierced the clouds.

刺骨 cì gǔ

intransitive verb (penetrate) (寒风)

It was a cold wind of the kind that pierces.


transitive verb (figurative (understand)

Poirot succeeded in piercing the mystery.

刺破 cì pò

transitive verb (stab, puncture)

The spear pierced Henry's arm.

穿破,穿透,穿过 chuān pò,chuān tòu,chuān guò

transitive verb (figurative (sound: travel) (尖叫声等)

A cry pierced the night.

穿透,穿破 chuān tòu,chuān pò

transitive verb (light: penetrate darkness) (光)

A dim light pierced the darkness in the room.

刺透,刺穿 cì tòu,cì chuān

transitive verb (affect bodily) (寒风等)

The cold pierced Malcolm to his very bones.

刺透,穿透,痛彻(心扉) cì tòu,chuān tòu

transitive verb (figurative (affect emotionally) (比喻,感情上)

Tom's unkind words pierced his father's heart.


adjective (can penetrate through armor)


noun (through ear cartilage)


noun (hole in ear for jewellery)


noun (making holes in ears for jewellery)

刺耳的 cì ěr de

adjective (figurative (scream, etc.: high-pitched)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。