英语 中的 nice 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 nice 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 nice 的说明。

英语 中的nice 表示好心的 hǎo xīn de, 友好的 yǒu hǎo de, 晴好的,晴朗的,明媚的,宜人的,舒适的 qíng hǎo de ,qíng lǎng de ,míng mèi de ,yí rén de ,shū shì de, 好看的 hǎo kàn de, 很 hěn, 讲究的 jiǎng jiū de, 干得好的,干得漂亮的 gàn de hǎo de, 巧妙的 qiǎo miào de, 尼斯, 能赚钱的玩意儿, 祝拥有美好的一天 zhù yōng yǒu měi hǎo de yì tiān, 好好活着吧, 旅途愉快 lǚ tú yú kuài, 招人喜欢的 zhāo rén xǐ huān de, 好女孩, 干得好 gàn de hǎo, 干得好 gàn de hǎo, 好人 hǎo rén, 做得好,做得漂亮 zuò de hǎo, 见到您很高兴 jiàn dào nín hěn gāo xìng, 干得好 gàn de hǎo, 好差事, 好看的,漂亮的 hǎo kàn de ,piào liàng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 nice 的含义

好心的 hǎo xīn de

adjective (considerate)

That nice man helped me across the street.

友好的 yǒu hǎo de

adjective (friendly)

Phil is a very nice person.

晴好的,晴朗的,明媚的,宜人的,舒适的 qíng hǎo de ,qíng lǎng de ,míng mèi de ,yí rén de ,shū shì de

adjective (pleasant) (天气)

The weather is nice today.

好看的 hǎo kàn de

adjective (attractive)

That house looks nice, now that it is freshly painted.

很 hěn

(+ adj: pleasantly)

It's nice and cool under this parasol.

讲究的 jiǎng jiū de

adjective (dated (refined)

Her suppers were always very nice, with silk serviettes and silver cutlery.

干得好的,干得漂亮的 gàn de hǎo de

adjective (well done)

That was a nice shot on goal.

巧妙的 qiǎo miào de

adjective (subtle or neat)

That was a nice way to reduce the tension in the group.


noun (city in France) (法国城市)

Nice is a bit touristy nowadays.


noun (UK, slang ([sth] which generates income)

I'm setting up a website to sell my photos; it should be a nice little earner.

祝拥有美好的一天 zhù yōng yǒu měi hǎo de yì tiān

interjection (pleasantry)

Thank you for shopping here; have a nice day! Have a nice day, he said as I left.


interjection (informal, ironic (bitter, dismissive) (讽刺意味)

旅途愉快 lǚ tú yú kuài

interjection (enjoy your vacation, holiday)

Here are your tickets, Sir. Have a nice trip!

招人喜欢的 zhāo rén xǐ huān de

adjective (person: pleasant, kind)


noun (informal (virtuous young woman) (贞洁的,品行端正的)

Maria is a nice girl and doesn't kiss on the first date.

干得好 gàn de hǎo

interjection (slang (well done)

Nice going, John, you really did a great job with that paint.

干得好 gàn de hǎo

interjection (slang, ironic (badly done)

Nice going, you idiot; you spilled coffee all over me.

好人 hǎo rén

noun (informal (likeable man)

That fellow seems like a nice guy; why don't you ask him out on a date? Don't let people take advantage of you just because you are a nice guy.

做得好,做得漂亮 zuò de hǎo

interjection (UK, informal (expressing congratulations or admiration)

You won the lottery? - nice one, mate!

见到您很高兴 jiàn dào nín hěn gāo xìng

interjection (informal (pleased to make your acquaintance)

Nice to meet you! Your brother has told me so much about you.

干得好 gàn de hǎo

interjection (informal (used to praise [sth] made or done)

Nice work! You did a better job than I would have and faster as well.


noun (informal, figurative ([sth] easy and lucrative) (口语)

She can study while she works at the box office and she gets into shows free -- nice work!

好看的,漂亮的 hǎo kàn de ,piào liàng de

adjective (attractive)

I met a nice-looking man at work today.

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nice 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。