英语 中的 length 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 length 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 length 的说明。

英语 中的length 表示长度 cháng dù, 旅行期间 lǚ xíng qī jiān, (书的)内容 shū de nèi róng, 一段 yí duàn, 泳程, 一匹马的身长, 沿着 yán zhe, 及踝的, 有距离的, 保持一定距离 bǎo chí yí dìng jù lí, 手臂够得到地,一臂之长 shǒu bei gòu de dào de,yí bì zhī cháng, 终于 zhōng yú, 终于 zhōng yú, 长及小腿的, 长及小腿的, 长篇的, 全长 quán cháng, 全身的 quán shēn de, 底部着地的,及地的, 标准长度的,足本的 zú běn de, 伸展开地, 达到剧情片标准长度的影片 dá dào jù qíng piàn biāo zhǔn cháng dù de yǐng piàn, 半身的, 半长的, 纵向地 zòng xiàng de, 详尽地 xiáng jìn de, 长及膝部的, 及膝的, 时长 shí cháng, 中等长度的, 齐肩的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 length 的含义

长度 cháng dù

noun (linear measurement)

What is the length of that table?

旅行期间 lǚ xíng qī jiān

noun (journey: duration)

The length of the trip will depend on people's interests and the weather conditions.

(书的)内容 shū de nèi róng

noun (extent)

The length of the book made it a difficult novel to read.

一段 yí duàn

noun (cord, rope: piece)

Pass me a length of rope, so I can tie the boards together.


noun (swimming pool)

Rod's a good swimmer; he can swim 60 lengths in half an hour.


noun (horse racing: measurement) (赛马,计量单位)

The horse won by a length.

沿着 yán zhe

preposition (all along, alongside)

She had strung miniature lights along the length of the patio for the party.


noun as adjective (clothing, socks) (服装、袜)

Anna was wearing ankle-length boots.


noun as adjective (figurative (not intimate)

保持一定距离 bǎo chí yí dìng jù lí

adverb (figurative (at safe distance)

He has lied to me before, so I keep him at arm's length now.

手臂够得到地,一臂之长 shǒu bei gòu de dào de,yí bì zhī cháng

adverb (literal (at end of your arm)

The wild deer stood at arm's length from us.

终于 zhōng yú

adverb (extensively, in detail)

He explained his financial situation to me at length.

终于 zhōng yú

adverb (after a long while)

At length, Joyce looked up from her book.


adjective (skirt: reaching lower leg) (裙子)

The dress was calf-length and modest, covering more of my legs than the miniskirt had.


adjective (boots: coming halfway up lower leg) (靴子)


adjective (film: full-length) (电影)

Her debut as a director was a feature-length comedy about life in the city.

全长 quán cháng

noun (length when extended)

The full length of the snake was four feet, six inches.

全身的 quán shēn de

noun as adjective (showing complete length of body)

Isabelle turned to check the back of her skirt in the full-length mirror.


noun as adjective (clothing: reaching to floor) (衣服)

This full-length dress feels too old-fashioned to me. // For a black-tie affair, women should wear a full-length gown.

标准长度的,足本的 zú běn de

noun as adjective (novel, film: usual length) (小说、电影)

Is this a full-length novel or a novella?


adverb (with body extended)

There she was, stretched out full-length on the couch.

达到剧情片标准长度的影片 dá dào jù qíng piàn biāo zhǔn cháng dù de yǐng piàn

noun (feature-length movie)


adjective (portrait: waist up) (肖像、照片)


adjective (boots, trousers: to mid thigh) (靴子、裤子)

纵向地 zòng xiàng de

adverb (of lengthwise size)

详尽地 xiáng jìn de

adverb (of duration)


adjective (down to the knee)

I wore a knee-length dress at Marco's wedding.


adjective (up to the knee)

She wore knee-length boots.

时长 shí cháng

noun (period, duration)

If you leave the house for any length of time, please lock the windows.


adjective (moderately long)

Nicole has a medium-length hairstyle.


adjective (hair: touching shoulders) (头发)

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length 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。