英语 中的 hotter 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 hotter 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 hotter 的说明。

英语 中的hotter 表示热的 rè de, 感觉热的, 热的,炎热的 rè de ,yán rè de, 感觉太热, 辣的, 辛辣的 là de , xīn là de, 热门的,新鲜且富有争议的, 迷人的,性感的 mí rén de ,xìng gǎn de, 畅销的, 流行的 chàng xiāo de, 性冲动的,被激起性欲的 xìng chōng dòng de,bèi jī qǐ xìng yù de, 强放射性的 qiáng fàng shè xìng de, 激烈的,热烈的 jī liè de ,rè liè de, 新偷来的,新近非法搞来的 xīn tōu lái de,xīn jìn fēi fǎ gǎo lái de, 技术高超的 jì shù gāo chāo de, 趁热, 变得更激烈,变得更激动人心, 非常 fēi cháng, 摇摆不定 yáo bǎi bú dìng, 非常热的 , 酷热的 fēi cháng rè de, 炎热的 yán rè de, 热死了, 滚烫的 gǔn tàng de, 炙热的 zhì rè de, 灼热 zhuó rè, 热空气 rè kōng qì, 大话 dà huà, 紧张激动的, 性兴奋的, 热水浴 rè shuǐ yù, 桑拿浴 sāng ná yù, 热巧克力 rè qiǎo kè lì, 十字包, 热天 rè tiān, 热狗 rè gǒu, 热狗肠, 卖弄技巧的人 mài nòng jì qiǎo de rén, 好极了,棒极了 hǎo jí le ,bàng jí le, 表演特技, 娴熟的,技术高超的 xián shú de,jì shù gāo chāo de, 潮热 cháo rè, 为…发狂 wèi … fā kuáng, 热键, 性感的情人, 最新消息 zuì xīn xiāo xī, 流行的事物 liú xíng de shì wù, 性感尤物 xìng gǎn yóu wù, 刚印刷出的(书,报纸等) gāng yìn shuā chū de ( shū ),bào zhǐ děng, 新鲜出炉的, 紧随 jǐn suí, 紧跟着..., 紧追, 热敷布 rè fū bù, 热敷布 rè fū bù, 隔热垫, 热裤 rè kù, 性欲 xìng yù, 辣椒 là jiāo, 桃红色 táo hóng sè, 加热板 jiā rè bǎn, 轻便的电炉 qīng biàn de diàn lú, 棘手的问题,烫手山芋 jí shǒu de wèn tí, 赛车, 改装车, 飞车, 辣酱 là jiàng, 尴尬的处境 gān gà de chǔ jìng, 电椅 diàn yǐ, 尴尬处境, 重要人物, 要人, 热水澡 rè shuǐ zǎo, 温泉 wēn quán, 极棒的事物, 了不起的人, 为吸引注意的报道, 争议性的评论, 急脾气 jí pí qì, 有用信息,有价值的信息, 热门话题, 按摩浴缸, 发怒的 fā nù de, 热水 rè shuǐ, 热水袋,热水瓶 rè shuǐ dài,rè shuǐ píng, 热天 rè tiān, 热气的, 热风的, 热气球 rè qì qiú, 热血的, 鲁莽的 lǔ mǎng de, 敏感的,热议的 mǐn gǎn de, 轮用办公桌, 使用非固定办公桌的职员, 办公桌轮用制, 共享办公桌, 热狗摊儿 rè gǒu tān er, 短路点火, 温床 wēn chuáng, 温床 wēn chuáng, 温床 wēn chuáng, 轮流睡的床, 轮流睡床, 薄烤饼 báo kǎo bǐng, 性急暴躁的人,易怒的人 xìng jí bào zào de rén,yì nù de rén, 易激动的 yì jī dòng de, 热线电话 rè xiàn diàn huà, 服务专线, 热线, 砂锅菜 shā guō cài, 火锅, 有大志的成功人士,飞黄腾达的人 yǒu dà zhì de chéng gōng rén shì,fēi huáng téng dá de rén, 有大志且成功的,飞黄腾达的 yǒu dà zhì qiě chéng gōng de,fēi huáng téng dá de, 活动中心 huó dòng zhōng xīn, 闹哄哄的娱乐场所 nào hōng hōng de yú lè chǎng suǒ, 无线上网热点, 热点地区, 火灾多发区, 穷追不舍, 处境困难 chǔ jìng kùn nán, 身负重任且处境艰难。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 hotter 的含义

热的 rè de

adjective (high in temperature)

The tea was hot, so she waited before drinking it.


adjective (person: feeling very warm) (人)

At the side of the pitch was a stall selling ice creams to the hot spectators.

热的,炎热的 rè de ,yán rè de

(climate, season: high temperatures) (指天气)

August is a really hot month in Miami.


(person: feel very warm) (人)

Prudence was hot, so she took off her coat.

辣的, 辛辣的 là de , xīn là de

adjective (figurative (food: spicy) (比喻,指食物)

Indian food is so hot, I can hardly eat it.


adjective (figurative, slang (topic: current, controversial) (新闻、话题等)

The hot topic was covered extensively by the TV news.

迷人的,性感的 mí rén de ,xìng gǎn de

adjective (figurative, slang (attractive)

She is so hot! Don't you think so?

畅销的, 流行的 chàng xiāo de

adjective (figurative, slang (popular, fashionable) (非正式用语)

The hot clothing item this year is the printed blouse.

性冲动的,被激起性欲的 xìng chōng dòng de,bèi jī qǐ xìng yù de

adjective (slang (sex: excited)

Sally was hot after reading the erotic novel.

强放射性的 qiáng fàng shè xìng de

adjective (radioactive)

Plutonium is considered a hot metal.

激烈的,热烈的 jī liè de ,rè liè de

adjective (figurative, informal (exchange of views: impassioned) (讨论等)

The exchange was hot because the politicians violently disagreed.

新偷来的,新近非法搞来的 xīn tōu lái de,xīn jìn fēi fǎ gǎo lái de

adjective (figurative, slang (stolen) (俚语)

The car dealership was accused of selling hot cars.

技术高超的 jì shù gāo chāo de

adjective (figurative, slang (skillful, excellent)

You are such a hot lawyer I want you to defend me.


adverb (while hot)

Serve the coffee hot.


phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, slang, figurative (become more exciting)

We're into the final week of the election campaign. Things are about to hot up around here.

非常 fēi cháng

expression (slang (extremely) (俚语)

摇摆不定 yáo bǎi bú dìng

verbal expression (figurative (waver, vacillate)

非常热的 , 酷热的 fēi cháng rè de

adjective (liquid: heated until bubbling) (比喻)

Be careful, that tea is boiling hot!

炎热的 yán rè de

adjective (figurative, informal (weather: very hot)

It's boiling today; I wish the office had air conditioning.
像今天这么炎热的天, 真希望办公室能有个空调。


adjective (figurative, informal (person: feeling very hot)

I'm boiling! Can't we open a window?

滚烫的 gǔn tàng de

adjective (extremely hot)

炙热的 zhì rè de

adjective (extremely hot)

Steph's skin was red from lying out in the burning sun.

灼热 zhuó rè

adjective (intensely hot)

The soup was burning hot.

热空气 rè kōng qì

noun (air that has been heated)

The hot air from the ovens made the kitchen very warm.

大话 dà huà

noun (figurative (empty boasting)

You shouldn't take his stories too seriously - most of what he says is just hot air.


adjective (informal (flustered)

Larry got hot and bothered during his presentation.


adjective (informal, euphemism (sexually excited)

Just looking at Rachel gets me all hot and bothered.

热水浴 rè shuǐ yù

noun (bathtub filled with hot water)

There's nothing like relaxing in a hot bath after a hard day's work.

桑拿浴 sāng ná yù

plural noun (sauna or steam-bath treatment)

热巧克力 rè qiǎo kè lì

noun (warm drink made with chocolate powder) (一种热饮)

I find that a cup of hot chocolate, last thing at night, helps me sleep.


noun (food: spiced currant bun)

热天 rè tiān

noun (day of high temperatures)

The forecast is for a hot day tomorrow, so let's go to the seaside.

热狗 rè gǒu

noun (frankfurter sausage in a bun) (一种夹有红肠的面包)

A hot dog and a soda is a classic American meal.


noun (frankfurter sausage) (法兰克福香肠)

I ate the hot dog but left the bun.

卖弄技巧的人 mài nòng jì qiǎo de rén

noun (US, informal (person who does stunts to attract attention)

See that guy on crutches; yesterday he was the biggest hot dog on the slopes.

好极了,棒极了 hǎo jí le ,bàng jí le

interjection (US, slang (enthusiasm, pleasure) (表示高兴或惊讶的感叹词)

Hot dog! You're looking good!


intransitive verb (US, informal (sports: do a spectacular maneuver) (运动)

Look at those skiers hot-dogging!

娴熟的,技术高超的 xián shú de,jì shù gāo chāo de

noun as adjective (US, informal (skillful, esp. in sports) (尤其在运动方面)

Ben is a hot-dog surfer.

潮热 cháo rè

noun (often plural (heat: symptom of menopause) (身体症状)

The hot flash I had yesterday made me feel feverish, dizzy and tired.

为…发狂 wèi … fā kuáng

preposition (slang (sexually attracted to)

Chris is hot for Vanessa.


noun (computing: shortcut to a command)


noun (informal, figurative (person of great sexual prowess)

最新消息 zuì xīn xiāo xī

noun (slang (new and exciting information)

The hot news is that the company has just released a new app.

流行的事物 liú xíng de shì wù

noun (slang, figurative ([sth] popular)

The new video game has been such a hot number that we have not been able to keep them in stock.

性感尤物 xìng gǎn yóu wù

noun (slang, figurative (sexually attractive person)

She was such a hot number, that to see her was to want her.

刚印刷出的(书,报纸等) gāng yìn shuā chū de ( shū ),bào zhǐ děng

adjective (informal (newspaper: freshly printed)

The club's latest newsletter is hot off the press.


adjective (informal, figurative (information: new)

The latest news hot off the press is that Alice is calling off the wedding.

紧随 jǐn suí

expression (slang (close behind)

The police officer was hot on the heels of the speeding driver.


expression (figurative, slang (soon after, subsequent to)


preposition (in close pursuit of)

The police were hot on the trail of the robbery suspect.

热敷布 rè fū bù

noun (heated compress for pain relief)

热敷布 rè fū bù

noun (heated compress)


noun (mat placed under hot dish)

热裤 rè kù

plural noun (women's short pants)

性欲 xìng yù

plural noun (US, slang, derogatory (sexual appetite)

辣椒 là jiāo

noun (spicy chilli pepper)

桃红色 táo hóng sè

noun (bright or shocking pink)

Do you have this top in hot pink?

加热板 jiā rè bǎn

noun (portable burner, cooking ring)

Hilda left the soup to simmer on the hotplate.

轻便的电炉 qīng biàn de diàn lú

noun (small stove)

Before microwaves, every college student had a hot plate in their room.

棘手的问题,烫手山芋 jí shǒu de wèn tí

noun (figurative, informal (situation, issue: difficult) (情况、问题)

赛车, 改装车

noun (slang (fast car, sports car)

We're going to go cruising in Jimmy's new hot rod.


intransitive verb (slang (drive fast)

辣酱 là jiàng

noun (spicy liquid condiment)

Eating too much hot sauce can make you feel as if your tongue were on fire.

尴尬的处境 gān gà de chǔ jìng

noun (US, slang (uncomfortable situation)

电椅 diàn yǐ

noun (US, slang (electric chair)


noun (precarious position)

重要人物, 要人

noun (slang (very important person, high achiever)

The star football player was treated like a real hot shot, but he always remained humble.

热水澡 rè shuǐ zǎo

noun (wash under heated water spray)

I always feel cleaner after having a hot shower.

温泉 wēn quán

noun (source of naturally heated groundwater)

The water in hot springs is warmed by heat coming from the earth's interior.


noun (slang ([sth] especially impressive)

This new tablet computer really is hot stuff.


noun (slang ([sb] especially impressive)

Jacqueline reckons Tony is "hot stuff."


noun (informal (journalism: superficial editorial)


noun (informal (internet: controversial opinion)

急脾气 jí pí qì

noun (figurative, informal (irascibility)

People avoided Bill because of his hot temper.


noun (informal (suggestion: [sth] profitable)

The website provides hot tips for horse racing.


noun (informal, figurative (subject currently of great interest)


noun (jacuzzi)

The hotel has a pool, a sauna, and a hot tub. After a game of football the whole team would take a dip in the hot tub.

发怒的 fā nù de

adjective (slang, figurative (angry, agitated)

He got very hot under the collar when I politely suggested he might be mistaken.

热水 rè shuǐ

noun (heated water)

Hot water is better than cold water for taking a bath.

热水袋,热水瓶 rè shuǐ dài,rè shuǐ píng

noun (rubber container for heated water)

On cold winter nights, I tuck a hot water bottle under the blankets to warm my feet.

热天 rè tiān

noun (with high temperatures)

During hot weather, I always dry the washing out of doors.

热气的, 热风的

noun as adjective (brush, etc.: using hot air)

热气球 rè qì qiú

noun (passenger balloon)

Have you ever been for a ride in a hot-air balloon?


adjective (figurative (passionate)

鲁莽的 lǔ mǎng de

adjective (figurative (person: impetuous)

敏感的,热议的 mǐn gǎn de

noun as adjective (US, figurative, informal (issue: emotive) (话题,问题)


intransitive verb (worker: use any desk)


noun (worker without assigned desk)

办公桌轮用制, 共享办公桌

noun (use of unassigned desks)

热狗摊儿 rè gǒu tān er

noun (kiosk or counter selling hot dogs)

Whenever I pass through Chicago, I try to stop at a hot-dog stand to pick up lunch.


transitive verb (start a car without key) (汽车)

温床 wēn chuáng

noun (figurative (place where [sth] is rife) (比喻)

This section of the city is a hotbed for new artists.

温床 wēn chuáng

noun (heated glasshouse for plants) (植物培育)

Using this hotbed we can grow crops even when they are out of season.

温床 wēn chuáng

noun (metalworking: platform for cooling)


noun (slang (bed shared in shifts) (常指轮班员工)


intransitive verb (slang (share bed in shifts) (常指轮班员工)

薄烤饼 báo kǎo bǐng

noun (US (pancake made with leavening)

性急暴躁的人,易怒的人 xìng jí bào zào de rén,yì nù de rén

noun (figurative, slang ([sb] quick to anger) (俚语)

Some hotheads were causing trouble at the protest march.

易激动的 yì jī dòng de

adjective (easily angered)

My hotheaded boss loses his temper over the slightest mistake.

热线电话 rè xiàn diàn huà

noun (direct phone connection)

The company runs a free hotline for customers to call at any time, day or night.


noun (phone service: personal problems)

My neighbor answers calls on a suicide hotline.


noun (between government heads)

The president got on the hotline to Moscow to discuss several emergency measures.

砂锅菜 shā guō cài

noun (UK (food: casserole) (一种马铃薯和牛羊肉合炖的菜)

We made a spicy hotpot for dinner.


noun (food: Chinese dish)

有大志的成功人士,飞黄腾达的人 yǒu dà zhì de chéng gōng rén shì,fēi huáng téng dá de rén

noun (slang (successful person) (俚语)

Jenna is a hotshot in the world of high fashion.

有大志且成功的,飞黄腾达的 yǒu dà zhì qiě chéng gōng de,fēi huáng téng dá de

noun as adjective (slang (high-flying, successful) (俚语)

Matthew intends to become a hotshot attorney.

活动中心 huó dòng zhōng xīn

noun (center of activity)

This city is one of the world's great tourist hotspots.

闹哄哄的娱乐场所 nào hōng hōng de yú lè chǎng suǒ

noun (nightclub, entertainment venue)

We went on a date at one of the new hotspots in the city.


noun (venue offering wifi access)

All of the coffee shops in this city are hotspots.


noun (of political conflict)

The country has become a political hotspot due to the increasing civil unrest in its major cities.


noun (where fire may start)

The firefighters investigated several hot spots to insure that they did not reignite.


adverb (informal (close behind)

The police arrived in hot pursuit of the robbers.

处境困难 chǔ jìng kùn nán

expression (figurative (in trouble)

He found himself in hot water for being late for work.


expression (slang, figurative (accountable, under pressure)

Jackie's in the hot seat because she's team leader.

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