英语 中的 going 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 going 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 going 的说明。

英语 中的going 表示现有的 xiàn yǒu de, 活跃的 huó yuè de, 成功的 chéng gōng de, 离开 lí kāi, 路面状况 lù miàn zhuàng kuàng, 进展情况, 发展形势, 离开 lí kāi, 前往 qián wǎng, 移动 yí dòng, 通往 tōng wǎng, 通向 tōng xiàng, 进行 jìn xíng, 变为 biàn wéi, 处于…的状态 chǔ yú … de zhuàng tài, 将要 jiāng yào, 准备好的,准备就绪的 zhǔn bèi hǎo de ,zhǔn bèi jiù xù de, 加油!, 精力,活力 jīng lì,huó lì, 尝试,试验 cháng shì,shì yàn, 轮流(做某事时)轮到的机会 lún liú zuò mǒu shì shí lún dào de jī huì, 围棋, 去做, 工作 gōng zuò, 消逝,流逝,过去 xiāo shì,liú shì,guò qù, 倾向于 qīng xiàng yú, 被卖掉 bèi mài diào, 进得去 jìn de qù, 上厕所,大小便 shàng cè suǒ,dà xiǎo biàn, 做动作 zuò dòng zuò, 有效 yǒu xiào, 说, 去世,死亡 qù shì,sǐ wáng, 塌陷,承受不住 tā xiàn,chéng shòu bú zhù, 崩溃 bēng kuì, 用于 yòng yú, 以遗产方式留给, 被整除 bèi zhěng chú, 被授予,归于 bèi shòu yǔ ,guī yú, 诉诸于 sù zhū yú, 向…寻求帮助 xiàng xún qiú bāng zhù, 不断来来往往 bú duàn lái lái wǎng wǎng, 不停地来来去去 bù tíng de lái lái qù qù, 随和的 suí hé de, 启动措施 qǐ dòng cuò shī, 开始 kāi shǐ, 开始… kāi shǐ …, 以很大差距, 兴旺发达的公司 xīng wàng fā dá de gōng sī, 在未来 zài wèi lái, 接近,快到 jiē jìn,kuài dào, 接近,快到 jiē jìn,kuài dào, 外出 wài chū, 外出的 wài chū de, 检查 jiǎn chá, 苛斥, 清理 qīng lǐ, 毒打 dú dǎ, 艰难的事, 费力的 fèi lì de, 我要走了 wǒ yào zǒu le, 进来的 jìn lái de, 事务进展顺利 shì wù jìn zhǎn shùn lì, 坚持下去 jiān chí xià qù, 干得好 gàn de hǎo, 干得好 gàn de hǎo, 出海航行的 chū hǎi háng xíng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 going 的含义

现有的 xiàn yǒu de

adjective (current, prevalent)

That's much higher than the going price.

活跃的 huó yuè de

adjective (active, alive)

Even after ninety years, the old man was still going.

成功的 chéng gōng de

adjective (operating successfully)

Her advertising company is still a going business.

离开 lí kāi

noun (departure)

His going will leave the department with a big pair of shoes to fill.

路面状况 lù miàn zhuàng kuàng

noun (trail or route conditions)

The going's good as far as the river, then it gets heavy.

进展情况, 发展形势

noun (informal (progress)

If the going gets tough at work, ask for help.

离开 lí kāi

intransitive verb (leave, depart)

You'd better go. It's getting late.

前往 qián wǎng

(proceed to, head for)

I'm going to London this summer. // Anne went to Italy for her holiday last year. // Robert goes to the market every Saturday morning.

移动 yí dòng

intransitive verb (move along, advance)

The train was going at top speed. Electricity goes along wires.

通往 tōng wǎng

intransitive verb (extend)

Our property goes all the way down to the river.

通向 tōng xiàng

(lead to)

These stairs go to the attic.

进行 jìn xíng

intransitive verb (with adverb: turn out, pass)

The wedding went very well, thank you.

变为 biàn wéi

intransitive verb (with adjective: become)

I think I'm going crazy.

处于…的状态 chǔ yú … de zhuàng tài

intransitive verb (with adjective: act in a given way)

They went crazy when they heard the news.

将要 jiāng yào

auxiliary verb (future)

Jake is going to clean the bathroom later.

准备好的,准备就绪的 zhǔn bèi hǎo de ,zhǔn bèi jiù xù de

adjective (informal (ready) (口语)

All systems are go.


interjection (cheering on a team, participant)

The fans were shouting "Go Steelers!"

精力,活力 jīng lì,huó lì

noun (colloquial (energy) (口语)

She's sure got a lot of go.

尝试,试验 cháng shì,shì yàn

noun (informal (try) (非正式用语)

Can I have a go?

轮流(做某事时)轮到的机会 lún liú zuò mǒu shì shí lún dào de jī huì

noun (informal (turn) (非正式用语)

It's your go. Here are the dice.


noun (often capitalized (board game)


verbal expression (make a move to do)

Jake went to brush a stray hair from Leah's cheek, but at that moment she turned away.

工作 gōng zuò

intransitive verb (function, perform)

This fan won't go.

消逝,流逝,过去 xiāo shì,liú shì,guò qù

intransitive verb (time: pass) (时间)

Weekends go really fast.

倾向于 qīng xiàng yú

intransitive verb (tend to be)

As exams go, that wasn't too bad.

被卖掉 bèi mài diào

intransitive verb (be sold)

The rare book will go quickly at auction.

进得去 jìn de qù

intransitive verb (pass, fit, enter)

The couch just won't go through the door.

上厕所,大小便 shàng cè suǒ,dà xiǎo biàn

intransitive verb (informal, euphemism (relieve yourself) (非正式用法,委婉用语)

Excuse me. I've got to go. Is there a bathroom near here?

做动作 zuò dòng zuò

intransitive verb (perform an action)

Go like this with your hands.

有效 yǒu xiào

intransitive verb (be valid)

Whatever Mike says, goes.

intransitive verb (informal (say) (非正式用法)

Boys will be boys, as the saying goes.

去世,死亡 qù shì,sǐ wáng

intransitive verb (euphemism (die) (委婉用语)

He went just after midnight, with his wife at his side.

塌陷,承受不住 tā xiàn,chéng shòu bú zhù

intransitive verb (informal (give way, collapse) (非正式用法)

There was so much snow the roof went.

崩溃 bēng kuì

intransitive verb (informal (stop working)

The car engine went, so we had to walk home.

用于 yòng yú

(be allotted)

A quarter of their income goes to food.


(pass to [sb] in a will)

His house went to the elder son, its contents to the younger.

被整除 bèi zhěng chú

(number: be divisor of) (数学)

How many times does six go into eighty-four?

被授予,归于 bèi shòu yǔ ,guī yú

(be awarded to) (奖品等)

And the Oscar goes to Steve McQueen!

诉诸于 sù zhū yú

phrasal verb, intransitive (resort: to [sth])

They went to great effort to get here on time.

向…寻求帮助 xiàng xún qiú bāng zhù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (consult, ask a favor of)

When I need advice, I go to my rabbi.

不断来来往往 bú duàn lái lái wǎng wǎng

noun (movement: many people) (人群)

The continual coming and going of library visitors made it impossible for me to concentrate.

不停地来来去去 bù tíng de lái lái qù qù

noun (movement: one person) (个人)

随和的 suí hé de

adjective ([sb], personality: relaxed)

I love being with her because she's a nice easy-going girl.

启动措施 qǐ dòng cuò shī

verbal expression (informal (leave now)

If we don't get going soon, we'll be late.

开始 kāi shǐ

verbal expression (informal (start)

The campaign got going in 1983.

开始… kāi shǐ …

verbal expression (informal (start [sth])

The chef got going with peeling the vegetables.


expression (by a wide margin)

兴旺发达的公司 xīng wàng fā dá de gōng sī

noun (viable business)

The business had been taken over as a going concern.

在未来 zài wèi lái

adverb (jargon (in the future)

Going forward, we really need to change how we do business.

接近,快到 jiē jìn,kuài dào

preposition (informal (approaching: a given age) (年龄)

Tom always refuses to disclose his age, but he must be going on seventy.

接近,快到 jiē jìn,kuài dào

preposition (informal (almost, approaching) (时间)

The couple have been married going on for thirty years.

外出 wài chū

noun (doing [sth] entertaining outside home)

Going out is more expensive than staying in.

外出的 wài chū de

adjective (for entertainment outside home)

Beatrice wants to buy a going-out dress for the party.

检查 jiǎn chá

noun (inspection)


noun (verbal attack)

清理 qīng lǐ

noun (cleaning)

毒打 dú dǎ

noun (physical beating)


noun (informal ([sth] difficult or strenuous)

The climb was hard going, but the view from the top was magificent.

费力的 fèi lì de

adjective (laborious, dull)

我要走了 wǒ yào zǒu le

interjection (I am about to leave)

I know I'm late for lunch. I am going now!

进来的 jìn lái de

adjective (coming in, on its way in)

The in-going plane was just arriving at the airport.

事务进展顺利 shì wù jìn zhǎn shùn lì

expression (UK (task went smoothly)

Although the professor said that we would struggle with the translation, it was easy going for our group.

坚持下去 jiān chí xià qù

verbal expression (persist, continue)

Keep going, you're almost to the top of the hill.

干得好 gàn de hǎo

interjection (slang (well done)

Nice going, John, you really did a great job with that paint.

干得好 gàn de hǎo

interjection (slang, ironic (badly done)

Nice going, you idiot; you spilled coffee all over me.

出海航行的 chū hǎi háng xíng de

adjective (ship: for sailing at sea)

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going 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。