英语 中的 fed 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fed 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fed 的说明。

英语 中的fed 表示联邦储备银行, 联邦政府工作人员,联邦政府公务员, 喂养 wèi yǎng, 喂食(动物), 养活,给…提供食物来源 yǎng huó, 用…喂养, 供给,供应 gōng jǐ ,gōng yìng, 将…送入,给…喂(料), 饲料 sì liào, 一顿饭,一餐 yí dùn fàn,yì cān, 送料管,运料槽 sòng liào guǎn,yùn liào cáo, 通过线路传送过来供播出之内容 tōng guò xiàn lù chuán sòng guò lái gōng bō chū zhī nèi róng, 一餐母乳, 吃东西, 以…为食, 来源于,滋生于, 使高兴 shǐ gāo xìng, 提供 tí gōng, 满足, 助长, 给…提供 gěi … tí gōng, 奶粉喂养的,人工营养的, 母乳喂养的, 用谷物喂养的,吃谷物的 yòng gǔ wù wèi yǎng de,chī gǔ wù de, 用谷物饲养的 yòng gǔ wù sì yǎng de, 天真的 tiān zhēn de, 厌倦的 yàn juàn de, 厌烦 yàn fán, 恼怒的 nǎo nù de, 烦透了, 强迫进食的, 用草科喂养的, 营养不良的 yíng yǎng bù liáng de, 用匙子喂的, 饱满的,丰满的 bǎo mǎn de,fēng mǎn de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fed 的含义


noun (US, abbreviation (Federal Reserve Bank) (美国)


noun (US, abbreviation, often plural (law: federal employee, esp. FBI) (美国)

喂养 wèi yǎng

transitive verb (give food to [sb])

I need to feed the children.


transitive verb (give food to an animal)

Helen feeds the dog every morning.

养活,给…提供食物来源 yǎng huó

transitive verb (be a food source)

This farm feeds the entire village.


transitive verb (give [sth] as nourishment)

She feeds her chickens on a variety of scraps.

供给,供应 gōng jǐ ,gōng yìng

transitive verb (figurative (supply)

This pipe feeds the radiator.


(figurative (supply)

The operator feeds paper to the printing press.

饲料 sì liào

noun (food for animals) (动物)

The farmer needs to buy more feed for her pigs.

一顿饭,一餐 yí dùn fàn,yì cān

noun (US, informal (meal) (口语)

I have to give the kids their feed, then we have to go to the pool.

送料管,运料槽 sòng liào guǎn,yùn liào cáo

noun (supply mechanism) (机器)

There was a problem with the photocopier's paper feed.

通过线路传送过来供播出之内容 tōng guò xiàn lù chuán sòng guò lái gōng bō chū zhī nèi róng

noun (broadcast) (电视)

The live feed from New York has stopped working, so we are going to show some commercials.


noun (breastfeeding) (婴儿)

The baby had a good feed this morning.

吃东西, 以…为食

(animal: eat) (动物等)

The animals feed on grass.


(figurative (ideas, fears) (想法、情绪等)

Panic feeds on people's fears.

使高兴 shǐ gāo xìng

transitive verb (figurative (gratify)

Art feeds the spirit.

提供 tí gōng

transitive verb (figurative (supply)

The media feeds the news to people.

满足, 助长

transitive verb (figurative (encourage) (某种情绪)

Don't say anything to feed his ego.

给…提供 gěi … tí gōng

transitive verb (figurative (supply) (信息等)

The assistant fed the actor his lines.


adjective (baby: given milk by bottle)


adjective (given milk from breast)

Doctors are researching whether breastfed babies behave differently from bottlefed babies.

用谷物喂养的,吃谷物的 yòng gǔ wù wèi yǎng de,chī gǔ wù de

adjective (UK (poultry: raised on corn) (家禽等)

用谷物饲养的 yòng gǔ wù sì yǎng de

adjective (US (beef: raised on corn) (牛)

天真的 tiān zhēn de

adjective (US, informal, figurative (naive, unsophisticated)

厌倦的 yàn juàn de

adjective (informal (weary, exasperated)

You look fed up. What's wrong?

厌烦 yàn fán

expression (informal (weary, exasperated)

Audrey was fed up with the bad weather. Fed up of being sent from one office to another, Joan lost her temper.

恼怒的 nǎo nù de

adjective (informal (expressing exasperation)

Megan gave a fed-up sigh.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (be exasperated by [sth] repeated)

She said angrily that she was fed up to the back teeth of hearing us bicker.


adjective (animal, person: fed against will)


adjective (animals: allowed to forage)

营养不良的 yíng yǎng bù liáng de

adjective (under-nourished)

The children at the boarding school were very ill-fed—they were never given breakfast, and the dishes rarely contained meat.


adjective (infant: given food by spoon) (婴儿)

饱满的,丰满的 bǎo mǎn de,fēng mǎn de

adjective (plump)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。