英语 中的 deep 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 deep 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 deep 的说明。

英语 中的deep 表示深的 shēn de, 低沉的 dī chén de, 深的 shēn de, 往下很深的 wǎng xià hěn shēn de, 往里很深的 wǎng lǐ hěn shēn de, 深的,浓重的 shēn de ,nóng zhòng de, 深沉的 shēn chén de, 思想深刻的 sī xiǎng shēn kè de, 强烈的,深厚的 qiáng liè de ,shēn hòu de, 全神贯注的 quán shén guàn zhù de, 神秘的 shén mì de, 深深地 shēn shēn de, 海渊 hǎi yuān, 到脚踝的 dào jiǎo huái de, 美丽是肤浅的, 处于两难境地, 深黑色, 深黑的, 深吸气, 深潜, 发自内心的 fā zì nèi xīn de, 在他的内心深处 zài tā de nèi xīn shēn chù, 深冻冰箱 shēn dòng bīng xiāng, 用深冻冰箱冷冻 yòng shēn dòng bīng xiāng lěng dòng, 深冻冰箱 shēn dòng bīng xiāng, 油炸 yóu zhá, 油炸锅 yóu zhá guō, 负债累累 fù zhài léi léi, 陷入沉思, 雄厚财力, 深海 shēn hǎi, 深海的 shēn hǎi de, 置之不理, 熟睡 shóu shuì / shú shuì, 深空 shēn kōng, 暗深势力集团, 深水, 深网, 深盘烤制的, 深盘披萨饼 shēn pán pī sà bǐng, 深切的 shēn qiè de, 油炸的 yóu zhá de, 暗中精心策划的, 根深蒂固的 gēn shēn dì gù de, 深海潜水员 shēn hǎi qián shuǐ yuán, 深海潜水 shēn hǎi qián shuǐ, 深海捕鱼, 根深蒂固的,深沉的 gēn shēn dì gù de ,shēn chén de, 深陷的, 放弃 fàng qì, 拒绝 jù jué, 深海水域,深水区, 深水的,深海的 shēn hǎi de, 出血本, 深入挖掘,深入发掘, 奋力 fèn lì, 深入调查, 深入自身, 捐款 juān kuǎn, 舌吻,湿吻 shé wěn,shī wěn, 舌吻,湿吻 shé wěn,shī wěn, 深吻..., 舌吻..., 深奥难懂, 虔诚 qián chéng, 走极端 zǒu jí duān, 深陷其中的, 齐膝深的, 没膝的, 缠人的, 肤浅的,表面的 fū qiǎn de ,biǎo miàn de, 齐腰深的, 淹到腰部的, 齐腰深地。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 deep 的含义

深的 shēn de

adjective (extending far down) (具体)

The lake is very deep near the centre.

低沉的 dī chén de

adjective (low in pitch) (声音)

A deep sound came out of the pipe organ.

深的 shēn de

adjective (container, etc.: tall) (盒子的深度)

The box is twenty centimetres wide and thirty centimetres deep.

往下很深的 wǎng xià hěn shēn de

adjective (situated far down)

The submarine was deep under the surface of the water.

往里很深的 wǎng lǐ hěn shēn de

adjective (extending far inwards)

I have found him! He is deep in the crowd, near the centre.

深的,浓重的 shēn de ,nóng zhòng de

adjective (dark in color) (颜色)

The shirt was deep blue in colour.

深沉的 shēn chén de

adjective (figurative (extreme) (睡眠等)

He was in a deep sleep and couldn't be woken.

思想深刻的 sī xiǎng shēn kè de

adjective (figurative (profound, meaningful)

I never realized what a deep thinker he is till I talked to him today.

强烈的,深厚的 qiáng liè de ,shēn hòu de

adjective (emotion: rich) (感情)

He really expressed his deep emotions for me today.

全神贯注的 quán shén guàn zhù de

adjective (figurative (absorbed) (比喻)

The two elderly ladies were deep in their reminiscences of life during the war.

神秘的 shén mì de

adjective (figurative (mysterious)

This is a deep, dark mystery, which I am longing to solve.

深深地 shēn shēn de

adverb (deeply)

Ants dig deep in the ground.

海渊 hǎi yuān

noun (sea)

The giant octopus came out of the deep and approached the submarine.

到脚踝的 dào jiǎo huái de

adjective (buried up to the ankles)

Suddenly, we were ankle-deep in mud. You can wade across the stream easily here; it's only ankle-deep.


expression (physical beauty is superficial)


expression (figurative (facing a dilemma)


noun (very dark shade of black)


adjective (very dark black in color)


noun (big inhalation)

I like to take deep breaths to help calm myself down.


noun (figurative, informal (in-depth examination)

发自内心的 fā zì nèi xīn de

adverb (inwardly or intimately)

She looks happy but deep down she is very lonely.

在他的内心深处 zài tā de nèi xīn shēn chù

adverb (his conscience)

Deep down in his heart he knew what he had done was wrong.

深冻冰箱 shēn dòng bīng xiāng

noun (cold storage unit)

She rummaged in the deep freeze and found the bag of peas.

用深冻冰箱冷冻 yòng shēn dòng bīng xiāng lěng dòng

transitive verb (keep in cold storage)

Did you know you can deep-freeze a loaf of bread and it will keep for ages?

深冻冰箱 shēn dòng bīng xiāng


油炸 yóu zhá

transitive verb (boil in fat, oil)

A popular way to cook chicken is to deep fry it so that it has a crispy skin.

油炸锅 yóu zhá guō

noun (food-cooking machine)

She dropped the balls of dough into the deep fryer to make donuts.

负债累累 fù zhài léi léi

verbal expression (in extreme financial debt)

She was so deep in debt that the only solution appeared to be bankruptcy.


expression (thinking intensely)

Deep in thought, she didn't hear him call her name.



深海 shēn hǎi

noun (lowest ocean layer)

Plants cannot grow in the deep sea because there is no sunlight.

深海的 shēn hǎi de

noun as adjective (relating to deeper parts of the sea)


noun (US, informal (rejection)

熟睡 shóu shuì / shú shuì

noun (most profound stage in sleep cycle)

She was in such a deep sleep that nothing could have woken her.

深空 shēn kōng

noun (region beyond solar system)

The spacecraft will explore deep space.


noun (politics: conspiracy theory)


noun (water of great depth)


noun (unsearchable internet content)


adjective (food: baked in a deep dish) (食物)

深盘披萨饼 shēn pán pī sà bǐng

noun (US (deep-pan pizza, thick-crust pizza)

Chicago is known for its delicious deep-dish pizzas.

深切的 shēn qiè de

adjective (condolences, sympathy: sincere)

油炸的 yóu zhá de

adjective (immersed in boiling fat)

Deep-fried food is delicious but rather unhealthy.


adjective (plan: kept secret)

根深蒂固的 gēn shēn dì gù de

adjective (figurative (firmly established)

Deep-rooted corruption has plagued the city for years.

深海潜水员 shēn hǎi qián shuǐ yuán

noun ([sb] who scuba dives at great depths)

Deep-sea divers are trying to repair the leaking oil-pipe.

深海潜水 shēn hǎi qián shuǐ

noun (scuba diving at great depths)

Deep-sea diving opens a whole new universe to scientists, engineers and archaeologists.


noun (fishing in deep ocean waters)

根深蒂固的,深沉的 gēn shēn dì gù de ,shēn chén de

adjective (figurative (emotion: firmly implanted) (感情)

Children have a deep-seated need to be loved.


adjective (eyes) (眼睛)

Edward looked at Gillian with his deep-set eyes.

放弃 fàng qì

transitive verb (US, informal (get rid of, destroy)

拒绝 jù jué

transitive verb (US, informal (reject)

The President deep-sixed the proposal.


noun (area of ocean)

深水的,深海的 shēn hǎi de

noun as adjective (pertaining to water of great depth)


(figurative, informal (find sufficient money) (比喻花很多钱)

The couple had to dig deep to pay their son's medical bills.


(figurative (summon inner resources) (指内心勇气、力量等)

You'll have to dig deep if you want to find the courage to get through this ordeal.

奋力 fèn lì

(figurative (summon strength)

The runner had to dig deep to maintain his lead.


(figurative (search within)

What do you really want from life? Dig deep and you'll find the answer.


verbal expression (figurative (summon inner resources)

Dig deep within yourself and you'll find you can overcome any fear.

捐款 juān kuǎn

verbal expression (figurative (donate money)

Please dig deep into your pockets - it's for a worthy cause!

舌吻,湿吻 shé wěn,shī wěn

noun (slang (kiss with tongues) (俚语)

What kind of kiss was it? A French kiss?

舌吻,湿吻 shé wěn,shī wěn

intransitive verb (slang (kiss with tongues) (俚语)

The couple argued about whether it was appropriate to French kiss at a wedding.

深吻..., 舌吻...

transitive verb (slang (kiss using tongue)


(figurative (problem: serious, hard to fix)

虔诚 qián chéng

(figurative (belief: strongly held)

走极端 zǒu jí duān

verbal expression (figurative (do [sth] extreme)


adjective (figurative (involved)


adjective (as high as the knees)

The water in the pool was knee-deep.


adjective (submerged to the knees)

The next time I looked, my daughter was knee-deep in mud.


adjective (figurative (involved)

肤浅的,表面的 fū qiǎn de ,biǎo miàn de

adjective (figurative (superficial)


adjective (liquid: up to waist) (液体)

The river here is waist-deep.


adjective (person: submerged up to waist)

The swimmers waded out into the river until they were waist-deep.


adverb (submerged up to waist)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。