英语 中的 control 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 control 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 control 的说明。

英语 中的control 表示管理权 guǎn lǐ quán, 控制 kòng zhì, 操纵装置,操控器 cāo zòng zhuāng zhì,cāo kòng qì, 操作 cāo zuò, 控制 kòng zhì, 克制,控制 kè zhì,kòng zhì, 指挥 zhǐ huī, 管理标准 guǎn lǐ biāo zhǔn, 控制 kòng zhì, 控制装置 kòng zhì zhuāng zhì, 控制 kòng zhì, 控制能力(控球技巧等) kòng zhì néng lì kòng qiú jì qiǎo děng, 控制 kòng zhì, 限制 xiàn zhì, 自我克制 zì wǒ kè zhì, 空中交通管制 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì, 自动控制 zì dòng kòng zhì, 自动增益控制 zì dòng zēng yì kòng zhì, 计划生育 jì huà shēng yù, 避孕药 bì yùn yào, 温度控制, 控制中心, 控制狂, 对照组,控制组 duì zhào zǔ,kòng zhì zǔ, 控制屏 kòng zhì bīng, 控制面板 kòng zhì miàn bǎn, 控制室, (机场的)指挥塔 jī chǎng de zhǐ huī tǎ, 控制自己, 恒速操纵器, 损害控制, 名誉损害的控制, 欧洲疾病预防控制中心, 防洪 fáng hóng, 枪械管制,枪支管制, 管理 guǎn lǐ, 控制 kòng zhì, 掌控 zhǎng kòng, 控制 kòng zhì, 控制,支配 kòng zhì,zhī pèi, 有能力 yǒu néng lì, 控制 kòng zhì, 控制 kòng zhì, 为你所控的 wéi nǐ suǒ kòng de, 你权力范围内的 nǐ quán lì fàn wéi nèi de, 共同控制 gòng tóng kòng zhì, 保持镇定, 保持控制, 情绪失控, 失去对…的控制,失去对…的掌控, 手控 shǒu kòng, 失去控制 shī qù kòng zhì, 失去控制的 shī qù kòng zhì de, 不在你控制范围的 bú zài nǐ kòng zhì fàn wéi de, 家长控制, 家长控制功能, 入境护照检查 rù jìng hù zhào jiǎn chá, 害虫防治 hài chóng fáng zhì, 物价控制 wù jià kòng zhì, 质量控制, 远程遥控 yuǎn chéng yáo kòng, (政府对住房的)租金管制 zhèng fǔ duì zhù fáng de zū jīn guǎn zhì, 自我控制 zì wǒ kòng zhì, 失控,失去控制 shī kòng,shī qù kòng zhì, 国家控制 guó jiā kòng zhì, 控制 kòng zhì, 恒温器 héng wēn qì, 交通管制 jiāo tōng guǎn zhì, 在控制下 zài kòng zhì xià, 在你的控制下 zài nǐ de kòng zhì xià, 音量控制器 yīn liàng kòng zhì qì, 体重控制 tǐ zhòng kòng zhì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 control 的含义

管理权 guǎn lǐ quán

noun (authority)

The principal has control over his school.

控制 kòng zhì

noun (restraint, self-control)

The witness showed great control under cross-examination.

操纵装置,操控器 cāo zòng zhuāng zhì,cāo kòng qì

noun (machine) (机器、车辆)

The pilot started working the controls of the plane.

操作 cāo zuò

transitive verb (manipulate: machine) (机械、机器)

The crane operator controlled the machine without problem.

控制 kòng zhì

transitive verb (restrain)

The police struggled to control the crowd.

克制,控制 kè zhì,kòng zhì

transitive verb (subdue)

You must try to control your anger.

指挥 zhǐ huī

transitive verb (direct)

The manager controls the employees under him.

管理标准 guǎn lǐ biāo zhǔn

noun (standard)

We must follow all regulatory controls.

控制 kòng zhì

noun (domination)

The island came under state control.

控制装置 kòng zhì zhuāng zhì

noun (regulating device)

The temperature control is broken.

控制 kòng zhì

noun (prevention)

Pest control is difficult in hot climates.

控制能力(控球技巧等) kòng zhì néng lì kòng qiú jì qiǎo děng

noun (sports: skill) (体育运动)

That pitcher has incredible control.

控制 kòng zhì

transitive verb (manipulate: person)

He left his girlfriend because she tried to control him too much.

限制 xiàn zhì

transitive verb (restrict)

The curfew controls the movements of the citizens.

自我克制 zì wǒ kè zhì

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (remain calm and composed)

Even if she tries to pick a fight, you must control yourself and avoid responding.

空中交通管制 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì

noun (directing and monitoring aircraft)

Air traffic control is one of the most stressful occupations.

自动控制 zì dòng kòng zhì

noun (system: not manual)

My garden sprinklers work by automatic control.

自动增益控制 zì dòng zēng yì kòng zhì

noun (electronic device)

计划生育 jì huà shēng yù

noun (contraception)

There are many methods of birth control.

避孕药 bì yùn yào

noun (contraceptive tablet)

Women take the birth control pill to avoid getting pregnant.




noun (operational hub)


noun (slang ([sb] dominating and perfectionist) (俚语)

My brother is a control freak when it comes to using the computer.

对照组,控制组 duì zhào zǔ,kòng zhì zǔ

noun (in a scientific study) (用于科研对比)

控制屏 kòng zhì bīng

noun (dashboard)

控制面板 kòng zhì miàn bǎn

noun (computing: settings) (计算机)


(room with controls)

(机场的)指挥塔 jī chǎng de zhǐ huī tǎ

noun (for airplane traffic)

Before the airplanes collided, the control tower alerted them that they were too close.


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (resist temptation) (抗拒诱惑等)


noun (vehicle's automatic speed system)


noun (reduction of loss by fire, etc.) (火灾等)


noun (reducing damage to reputation)


noun (initialism (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)

防洪 fáng hóng

noun (measures to prevent flood damage)

The city council is planning to implement new flood control measures.


noun (restrictions on owning firearms)

管理 guǎn lǐ

transitive verb (be in charge of)

I have control of the communication department.

控制 kòng zhì

transitive verb (master)

掌控 zhǎng kòng

adjective (has authority)

When we have a meeting, Bob is always in control and runs things very efficiently.

控制 kòng zhì

expression (in charge) (物)

控制,支配 kòng zhì,zhī pèi

expression (in charge of [sb]) (人)

有能力 yǒu néng lì

adjective (has mastery)

After months of practicing driving, Wendy was fully in control during her exam.

控制 kòng zhì

expression (has mastery of [sth])

Even with the pouring rain, she was very much in control of the car.

控制 kòng zhì

expression (mastering emotions) (情绪)

为你所控的 wéi nǐ suǒ kòng de

adjective (your responsibility)

你权力范围内的 nǐ quán lì fàn wéi nèi de

adverb (within your power)

共同控制 gòng tóng kòng zhì

noun (shared authority)


verbal expression (stay calm and composed)


verbal expression (retain authority)

Make sure you keep control of the situation, or we'll be in real trouble.


(no longer have composure)


verbal expression (no longer have authority)

The Republicans lost control of the U.S. Senate.

手控 shǒu kòng

noun (operation by hand)

失去控制 shī qù kòng zhì

adverb (wild, unrestrained)

The child was screaming and stamping his feet, quite out of control.

失去控制的 shī qù kòng zhì de

adjective (unrestrained, wild)

You're just an out-of-control brat!

不在你控制范围的 bú zài nǐ kòng zhì fàn wéi de

adjective (not within your power to affect)

The situation is out of your control.


noun (control exercised by parents)


noun (computer feature) (电脑)

入境护照检查 rù jìng hù zhào jiǎn chá

noun (identity check at airport, etc.)

I always get nervous at passport control, even though I've nothing to hide.

害虫防治 hài chóng fáng zhì

noun (rats, insects: extermination)

Organic farmers use natural pest control.

物价控制 wù jià kòng zhì

noun (limits set on prices)

The first thing the new dictator did was to establish price control on basic goods.


(system for maintaining quality)

远程遥控 yuǎn chéng yáo kòng

noun (device: for TV, etc.)

The remote control for the TV didn't work because the batteries were flat.

(政府对住房的)租金管制 zhèng fǔ duì zhù fáng de zū jīn guǎn zhì

noun (restrictions on rent charges)

Because of rent control regulations, my landlord could only raise my rent $50 last year.

自我控制 zì wǒ kòng zhì

noun (restraint, discipline)

Please try to exercise a little bit of self-control today; this is a very important meeting.

失控,失去控制 shī kòng,shī qù kòng zhì

expression (become uncontrollable)

Ben's spending began to spiral out of control and he soon got into serious debt.

国家控制 guó jiā kòng zhì

noun (government ownership)

控制 kòng zhì

verbal expression (take charge or command of)

The cops had a rough time taking control of the situation once the riot broke out.

恒温器 héng wēn qì

noun (thermostat: device that regulates heat)

It's way too hot in here - the temperature control must be faulty.

交通管制 jiāo tōng guǎn zhì

noun (management of road use)

在控制下 zài kòng zhì xià

adverb (being managed)

Don't worry, I've got everything under control here at the office.

在你的控制下 zài nǐ de kòng zhì xià

adverb (in your charge or command)

Well, I'm going out for the evening, the kids are under your control!

音量控制器 yīn liàng kòng zhì qì

noun (switch used to adjust level of sound)

The volume control on my MP3 player's not working properly.

体重控制 tǐ zhòng kòng zhì

noun (dieting)

Weight control is a multi-million pound industry these days.

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control 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。