英语 中的 between 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 between 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 between 的说明。
英语 中的between 表示在…中间,介于…之间 zài … zhōng jiān ,jiè yú … zhī jiān, 之间 zhī jiān, 在…中间,在…之间 zài … zhōng jiān ,zài … zhī jiān, 在…之间(分享、承担) zài zhī jiān fēn xiǎng chéng dān, 在…中间,在…之间 zài … zhōng jiān ,zài … zhī jiān, 在…之中,在(两者)之间 zài zhī zhōng,zài liǎng zhě zhī jiān, 在(两者)间,仅(两者)间 zài liǎng zhě jiān,jǐn liǎng zhě jiān, 在中间 zài zhōng jiān, 在…的共同影响(作用)下 zài de gòng tóng yǐng xiǎng zuò yòng xià, 由…共有 yóu gòng yǒu, 出现在…之间, 离间 lí jiàn, 在...之间切换, 年龄范围, 时而...时而..., 幕间 mù jiān, 从现在到未来某时这段时间 cóng xiàn zài dào wèi lái mǒu shí zhè duàn shí jiān, 课间休息 kè jiān xiū xī, 处于两难境地, 你知我知 nǐ zhī wǒ zhī, 模糊…和…之间的界限, 模糊...和...之间的边界, 受到两种文化的冲击, 缩小…与...差距, 从…和…中抉择, 区别…与…, 区别 qū bié, …之间的距离 zhī jiān de jù lí, 区分 qū fēn, 在...和...之间找到相似之处, 在...和...间作梗, 确定…之间有关联 què dìng zhī jiān yǒu guān lián, 罕见的 hǎn jiàn de, 微小的差别 wēi xiǎo de chā bié, 媒人,红娘 méi rén,hóng niáng, 在…之间 zài … zhī jiān, 到中间, 在...之间, 在…之间的, 保密 bǎo mì, 别告诉别人, 领会言外之意 lǐng huì yán wài zhī yì, 把…夹在…中间, 看出…之间的区别 kàn chū zhī jiān de qū bié, 在…之间达成平衡 zài … zhī jiān dá chéng píng héng, 在…之间切换, 来回摇摆 lái huí yáo bǎi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 between 的含义
在…中间,介于…之间 zài … zhōng jiān ,jiè yú … zhī jiānpreposition (intermediate to) (两者之间,指空间) Chicago is between New York and Los Angeles. ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 两次世界大战之间,大学校园里出现了许多新鲜事物。 |
之间 zhī jiānpreposition (connecting) (连接着两方) There is a bridge between the two shores. 两岸之间一桥相连。 |
在…中间,在…之间 zài … zhōng jiān ,zài … zhī jiānpreposition (comparing) (表示比较) I'm trying to decide between the red car and the blue one. 我正尽量在红车和蓝车之间选一个。 |
在…之间(分享、承担) zài zhī jiān fēn xiǎng chéng dānpreposition (shared) We're going to split the bill between the two of us. 一会儿我们俩平分账单。 |
在…中间,在…之间 zài … zhōng jiān ,zài … zhī jiānpreposition (among) (表示位置) I picked my way between the tourists, looking for a good spot to have lunch. 我在熙熙攘攘的游客中穿梭,想找一个吃午饭的地方。 |
在…之中,在(两者)之间 zài zhī zhōng,zài liǎng zhě zhī jiānpreposition (distinguishing) (表示区别) It's not always easy to distinguish between right and wrong. 要区分对与错并非总是易事。 |
在(两者)间,仅(两者)间 zài liǎng zhě jiān,jǐn liǎng zhě jiānpreposition (secret: only known to) (表示范围) Let's keep this information between you and me. 这件事仅有你我知情,不要让第三人知晓。 |
在中间 zài zhōng jiānadverb (intermediate, in the middle) To him, everything was black or white. There was nothing between. |
在…的共同影响(作用)下 zài de gòng tóng yǐng xiǎng zuò yòng xiàpreposition (combining) (表示相关) Between the heat and the humidity, it's uncomfortable now. |
由…共有 yóu gòng yǒupreposition (combined) (表示共同所有权) We only have ten euros between us. |
出现在…之间phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (separate, obstruct) A brick wall came between the wooden building and the store. |
离间 lí jiànphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (cause estrangement) We are such good friends that nothing can come between us. |
在...之间切换phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (alternate between: [sth] and [sth]) |
年龄范围(in a given age range) This program is designed for young people aged from 18 to 25. |
时而...时而...(switch between options) In some spas, people alternate between hot and cold baths. |
幕间 mù jiānadverb (between acts in a play) It's very busy backstage between acts, what with all the costume and scenery changes. |
从现在到未来某时这段时间 cóng xiàn zài dào wèi lái mǒu shí zhè duàn shí jiānadverb (from now until a future time) You'd better do a lot of work between now and then. |
课间休息 kè jiān xiū xīadverb (school: between lessons) Eleanor only had enough time between periods to walk to her next class. |
处于两难境地expression (figurative (facing a dilemma) |
你知我知 nǐ zhī wǒ zhīadverb (confidentially, in confidence) Between you and me, I think Stella has fallen in love with him. |
模糊…和…之间的界限verbal expression (figurative (make less distinct) |
模糊...和...之间的边界verbal expression (figurative (make less distinct) |
受到两种文化的冲击expression (pulled by two different cultures) |
缩小…与...差距verbal expression (figurative (equalize [sth]) |
从…和…中抉择(choose from among) I couldn't decide between the two dresses, so I bought both. 我因为无法从两条裙子中做出抉择,所以两个都买了。 |
区别…与…(see difference) It can be hard to differentiate between a severe panic attack and a heart attack. |
区别 qū bié(differentiate between things) It's hard to discriminate between the individual cells. |
…之间的距离 zhī jiān de jù lípreposition (space separating) The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. |
区分 qū fēn(know the difference) I can't distinguish between the black and the dark brown. |
在...和...之间找到相似之处verbal expression (identify as being similar) We can draw a parallel between restrictions on law making powers of the earliest British Parliaments, and that of the modern European Parliament. |
在...和...间作梗verbal expression (figurative (cause bad feeling between) I can't help feeling that your mother is trying to drive a wedge between us. |
确定…之间有关联 què dìng zhī jiān yǒu guān liánverbal expression (prove [sth] related to [sth]) Scientists have been able to establish a connection between smoking and lung cancer. |
罕见的 hǎn jiàn deadjective (colloquial (rare) These days, public telephone boxes are few and far between. |
微小的差别 wēi xiǎo de chā biénoun (figurative (little distinction) There's a fine line between genius and insanity. 天才和疯子间只有一线之隔。 |
媒人,红娘 méi rén,hóng niángnoun (intermediary) He acted as a go-between between the government and private arms dealers. |
在…之间 zài … zhī jiānadverb (in an intermediate position) The houses are next to one another, with an alleyway running in between. |
到中间adverb (intervening) When they started to fight, their little brother ran in between. |
在...之间preposition (between, in the middle of) Our house is in between a pub on one side and open fields on the other. |
在…之间的adjective (in the middle, midway) Your teens are an in-between time; you're no longer a child, but not yet an adult. |
保密 bǎo mìexpression (speaking confidentially) Just between us, I think her nose job was a big mistake. |
别告诉别人expression (confidential, private) This is just between us: don't tell anyone! |
领会言外之意 lǐng huì yán wài zhī yìverbal expression (figurative (understand [sth] implied) His speech sounded positive, but if you read between the lines it was actually quite pessimistic. |
把…夹在…中间(figurative, often passive (surround) I was sandwiched between two sumo wrestlers on that flight! The host sandwiched me between two bankers at the dinner table and they just kept talking across me about investments. 那次飞行途中,我被夹在两个相扑运动员中间!晚餐桌上,主人将我安排在两名银行家中间,那两个人一直越过我大谈投资。 |
看出…之间的区别 kàn chū zhī jiān de qū biéverbal expression (distinguish between) She could not see the difference between the identical twins. I do not see the difference between the candidates' economic plans. |
在…之间达成平衡 zài … zhī jiān dá chéng píng héngverbal expression (find compromise between) You need to strike a happy balance between video games and homework. |
在…之间切换(computing: switch views, programs, etc.) (计算机程序、视图等) Tania toggles between tabs, trying to track down the perfect translation. Audrey toggled between the spreadsheet and the word processing document. |
来回摇摆 lái huí yáo bǎiverbal expression (figurative, informal (fluctuate, go back and forth) I seem to spend my time yo-yoing between depression and anger. |
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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。