英语 中的 artist 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 artist 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 artist 的说明。

英语 中的artist 表示艺术家,美术家 yì shù jiā ,měi shù jiā, 美术师,美工,手艺人 měi shù shī,měi gōng,shǒu yì rén, (表演)艺术家,演艺人员,艺人 biǎo yǎn yì shù jiā,yǎn yì rén yuán,yì rén, (某方面有特殊技能的)能手 mǒu fāng miàn yǒu tè shū jì néng de néng shǒu, 艺术家工作室 yì shù jiā gōng zuò shì, 驻场艺术家的 zhù chǎng yì shù jiā de, 骗子,行骗者 piàn zi ,xíng piàn zhě, 概念派艺术家 gài niàn pài yì shù jiā, 变装皇后, 逃脱术大师, 屡次越狱的犯人 lǚ cì yuè yù de fàn rén, 音效编辑师, 涂鸦艺术家 tú yā yì shù jiā, 平面艺术家 píng miàn yì shù jiā, 化妆师 huà zhuāng shī, 化妆师 huà zhuāng shī, 哑剧演员 yǎ jù yǎn yuán, 音乐艺术家, 流行歌手, 流行乐手, 波普艺术家, 流行艺术画家, 唱片歌手,录音歌手, 街头艺术家 jiē tóu yì shù jiā, 街头艺人 jiē tóu yì rén, 高空秋千表演者,空中飞人 gāo kōng qiū qiān biǎo yǎn zhě,kōng zhōng fēi rén。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 artist 的含义

艺术家,美术家 yì shù jiā ,měi shù jiā

noun (painter, sculptor, etc.) (画家等)

This artist works in metal, plaster and paints.

美术师,美工,手艺人 měi shù shī,měi gōng,shǒu yì rén

noun (designer, trade artist) (设计师等)

My cousin is a design artist in a marketing firm.

(表演)艺术家,演艺人员,艺人 biǎo yǎn yì shù jiā,yǎn yì rén yuán,yì rén

noun (music: performer) (演员等)

This record company has more than a hundred artists on its books.

(某方面有特殊技能的)能手 mǒu fāng miàn yǒu tè shū jì néng de néng shǒu

noun (skilled person)

My uncle is truly an artist in the kitchen.

艺术家工作室 yì shù jiā gōng zuò shì

noun (workshop of an artist)

One half of the barn has been converted into an artist's studio. That potter whose work you loved finally opened his art studio to the public.

驻场艺术家的 zhù chǎng yì shù jiā de

adjective (artist temporarily at an institution)

This summer, the artist-in-residence is an installation artist who has exhibited all over the world.

骗子,行骗者 piàn zi ,xíng piàn zhě

noun (informal (confidence trickster, fraud) (非正式用语)

They thought he was a Wall Street genius but really he was no more than a con artist.

概念派艺术家 gài niàn pài yì shù jiā

noun (artist: practices conceptualism)

The conceptual artist's work was virtually impossible to understand.


noun (cabaret performer)

Drag queens have long been an important part of gay culture and liberation.


noun (escapologist)

Harry Houdini was a famous escape artist.

屡次越狱的犯人 lǚ cì yuè yù de fàn rén

noun (informal (prisoner who frequently escapes) (非正式用语)


noun (US (cinema: sound technician) (电影)

涂鸦艺术家 tú yā yì shù jiā

noun ([sb] who paints on public walls)

平面艺术家 píng miàn yì shù jiā

noun ([sb] who draws, paints, prints, etc.)

Gary is a graphic artist specializing in cartoon and TV animations.

化妆师 huà zhuāng shī

noun ([sb]: applies performers' cosmetics)

化妆师 huà zhuāng shī

noun (cosmetics applier)

The makeup artist completely changed her looks for the show.

哑剧演员 yǎ jù yǎn yuán

noun (performer who uses gestures)

We saw a mime performing on the crowded street.


noun (musical performer)

流行歌手, 流行乐手

noun (abbreviation (musician or singer of pop music)

Who's your favourite pop artist?

波普艺术家, 流行艺术画家

noun (abbreviation (creator of pop art)

Peter Blake was seen as a leading pop artist.


noun (performer who records music)

街头艺术家 jiē tóu yì shù jiā

noun (creates art in public)

The street artist painted my portrait in 20 minutes.

街头艺人 jiē tóu yì rén

noun (performs in public)

Mimes are popular street artists in the French Quarter.

高空秋千表演者,空中飞人 gāo kōng qiū qiān biǎo yǎn zhě,kōng zhōng fēi rén

noun (circus performer on high swing) (杂技演员)

The trapeze artist performed without a safety net.

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artist 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。