英语 中的 above 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 above 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 above 的说明。
英语 中的above 表示在…的上方 zài … de shàng fāng, 高于… gāo yú …, 超过,多于,大于 chāo guò ,duō yú, 在上面, 更高地,…以上 gèng gāo de,yǐ shàng, 超过,超出,更多地,…以上 chāo guò ,chāo chū,gèng duō de,yǐ shàng, 在上文,在前文 zài shàng wén,zài qián wén, 在上方的, 上述的 shàng shù de, 舞台上部,舞台后部, 在背部 zài bèi bù, 在天堂上 zài tiān táng shàng, 上述 shàng shù, 上面,上层 shàng miàn, 上文 shàng wén, 在…之北 zài zhī běi, 较…更为… jiào gèng wéi, 比…更清楚响亮, 不至于, 超出…的理解范围 chāo chū de lǐ jiě fàn wéi, 不受…影响, 高耸 gāo sǒng, 比...高出一大截, 优于 yōu yú, 优于, 更胜一筹, 尤其 yóu qí, 尤其 yóu qí, 最重要的是 zuì zhòng yào de shì, 超过 chāo guò, 超出职责范围, 平均水平以上的, 地面上, 高于地面的, 高于平均水平的 gāo yú píng jūn shuǐ píng de, 不受怀疑的 bú shòu huái yí de, 凌驾于法律之上的,不受法律约束的, 线上项目的,经常预算的, 线上的, 线上项目,经常预算, 线上, 无债务地, 上述的,上文列出的 shàng shù de ,shàng wén liè chū de, 上述的,如上所说的 shàng shù de, 诚实的 chéng shí de, 光明正大, 上述的,上文提及的 shàng shù de ,shàng wén tí jí de, 超过 chāo guò, 超过 chāo guò, 远远胜过 yuǎn yuǎn shèng guò, 高空 gāo kōng, …上方,高于… gāo yú …, 勉强维持, 多于..., 超过 chāo guò, 参见上文。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 above 的含义
在…的上方 zài … de shàng fāngpreposition (over) She hung a picture above the fireplace. ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他把工作看得比健康更重要。 |
高于… gāo yú …preposition (rank: superior to) (级别) A general ranks above a colonel. 将军的军衔高于上校。 |
超过,多于,大于 chāo guò ,duō yúpreposition (quantity: greater than) (数量) The temperature in Rio de Janeiro goes above 40 degrees in the summer. 夏天时,里约热内卢的气温超过40度。 |
在上面adverb (in higher place) I keep non-fiction on the bottom shelf, and fiction on the one above. 我将纪实作品放在书架底层并将小说作品放在书架上层。 |
更高地,…以上 gèng gāo de,yǐ shàngadverb (rank: superior) (等级) This measure affects middle managers and above. 这条举措影响到中层及以上的管理人员。 |
超过,超出,更多地,…以上 chāo guò ,chāo chū,gèng duō de,yǐ shàngadverb (quantity: greater) (数量) This product should not be used at temperatures of thirty degrees and above. 本产品不应于30摄氏度或以上的环境下使用。 |
在上文,在前文 zài shàng wén,zài qián wénadverb (earlier in a text) This event is described in more detail above. 前文曾对此事件进行过详细描述。 |
在上方的adjective (place: higher) Water was leaking from the floor above. 水正从上面的地板往下漏。 |
上述的 shàng shù deadjective (aforementioned) The above examples demonstrate how common the problem is. 上述例子证明了该问题的普遍性。 |
舞台上部,舞台后部adverb (theater: upstage) (剧院等) The scene is a family's living room, with a dining table above and armchairs below. 舞台场景为一家人的起居室,后部放着一张餐桌,前部放着几把扶手椅。 |
在背部 zài bèi bùadverb (zoology: dorsal) Sea trout: grey above with black dots on dorsal fin, silvery below. 海鳟鱼:鱼背呈灰色,背鳍上还有黑色斑点,鱼肚成银色。 |
在天堂上 zài tiān táng shàngadverb (figurative (in heaven) It was like a gift from the Lord above. |
上述 shàng shùadverb (earlier in text) This situation is more complex than stated above. |
上面,上层 shàng miànnoun (figurative (top of a hierarchy) These orders have come from above. 这些指令是高层传达的。 |
上文 shàng wénnoun (preceding text) Heavy snowfall overnight has left the road impassable. In light of the above, we have decided to close the office. 彻夜的大雪让道路无法通行。鉴于上文所述情形,我们决定关闭办公室。 |
在…之北 zài zhī běipreposition (north of) Oregon is just above California. 俄勒冈州就在加利福尼亚州的北方。 |
较…更为… jiào gèng wéipreposition (rather than) I prefer ice cream above chocolate. 跟巧克力相比,我更愿意吃冰淇淋。 |
比…更清楚响亮preposition (distinct from) I couldn't hear my phone above the noise in the restaurant. 餐厅太吵,我都没听到电话响。 |
不至于verbal expression (figurative (morally superior to) He's above lying about such things. 他不屑于就那种事撒谎。 |
超出…的理解范围 chāo chū de lǐ jiě fàn wéiverbal expression (figurative (too complex for) All this talk of economics is above me. 这些经济方面的讨论对我来说太复杂了。 |
不受…影响phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (be unaffected by) Prudence hoped she could rise above the petty gossip and narrow-minded behavior of those in the neighborhood. |
高耸 gāo sǒngphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be above) |
比...高出一大截phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (be taller than) He's very tall and towers above everyone else. |
优于 yōu yúpreposition (superior to) He is a cut above the rest. |
优于, 更胜一筹expression (informal (superior) This restaurant is definitely a cut above; they have embroidered tablecloths. |
尤其 yóu qíadverb (more than anything) Above all, Louise wants to become a nurse. 最重要的是,露易丝想要成为一名护士。 |
尤其 yóu qíadverb (more than any other) Peter is a clever, handsome and, above all, honest man. 彼得头脑聪慧、外表英俊,以及最重要的是还很诚实。 |
最重要的是 zuì zhòng yào de shìadverb (most importantly) Above all else, the company must make a profit. |
超过 chāo guòpreposition (figurative (more than expected) She always goes above and beyond what is expected of her. 她总是超出人们对她的期待。 |
超出职责范围expression (more than required) He was honored for performing above and beyond the call of duty. |
平均水平以上的adjective (better than most) You need to have an above-average IQ to answer these questions correctly. |
地面上adverb (higher than ground level) |
高于地面的adjective (higher than ground level) Our neighbors have an above-ground swimming pool. |
高于平均水平的 gāo yú píng jūn shuǐ píng deadjective (better than average) We tried a new restaurant tonight and thought the food was above par for the price. |
不受怀疑的 bú shòu huái yí deadjective (not capable of wrongdoing) Some would say politicians are above suspicion. Others would vehemently argue the opposite. |
凌驾于法律之上的,不受法律约束的adjective (not legally accountable) Many politicians think that they are above the law, and should not be punished for any wrongdoing. |
线上项目的,经常预算的adjective (figurative (of current expenses) |
线上的adjective (figurative (advertising: in mass media) (广告业:大众传媒) |
线上项目,经常预算expression (figurative (of current expenses) |
线上expression (figurative (advertising: in mass media) (广告业:大众传媒) |
无债务地adverb (figurative (financially solvent) In this economy, many families have trouble staying above water after paying all of their monthly expenses. |
上述的,上文列出的 shàng shù de ,shàng wén liè chū deadjective (formal, written (named previously) (正式用语) |
上述的,如上所说的 shàng shù deadjective (stated before) |
诚实的 chéng shí deadjective (figurative (honest) He likes to keep his business dealings aboveboard. |
光明正大adverb (figurative (honestly) Be assured, I always operate aboveboard. |
上述的,上文提及的 shàng shù de ,shàng wén tí jí deadjective (formal, written (cited previously) The above-mentioned changes will be in effect until the end of the month. 直至月末,上述变更方可生效。 |
超过 chāo guò(surpass) Melinda worked hard to get above the minimum academic requirements for university. |
超过 chāo guò(be over [sth]) We should get above 5,000 feet before we make camp. |
远远胜过 yuǎn yuǎn shèng guòverbal expression (figurative (be vastly superior to) George's essay was head and shoulders above those of the rest of the class. 乔治的作文远远胜过班上其他学生的作文。 |
高空 gāo kōngadverb (way up in the air) I've never actually seen the Grand Canyon up close, I've only seen it from high above in an airplane. |
…上方,高于… gāo yú …preposition (much higher than) |
勉强维持verbal expression (figurative (be financially stable) |
多于...expression (in addition to) The athlete trains for 2 hours per day, and that's over and above his practice sessions with teammates. |
超过 chāo guò(be higher than) Dawn occurs when the sun rises above the horizon. |
参见上文verbal expression (document: refers to earlier text) |
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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。