What does televizor in Romanian mean?

What is the meaning of the word televizor in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use televizor in Romanian.

The word televizor in Romanian means TV set, TV, televizor, televizor, televizor, televizor, televizor, televizor, televizor, televizor, tv, televizor, televizor, televizor alb-negru, televizor color, televizor color, televizor cu ecran plat, a vedea ce mai e pe la televizor, a sări de la un post la altul, a televiza, emisiune la televizor, a se uita la televizor. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word televizor

TV set, TV


(informal, abbreviation (television)


(US, dated, slang (television)

It's the best show on the boob tube.


(US, slang (television, TV set)

They sat and watched that idiot box for six hours.


(appliance that receives tv signals)

I bought myself a new television set with a plasma screen yesterday.


(informal, abbreviation (appliance: television set)

I had our old TV set replaced.



Televizorul este murdar și trebuie curățat.
The television is dirty and needs to be cleaned.


(US, dated, slang (television set)

The boob tube is in the corner of the room.



Televizorul este în sufragerie.
The TV set is in the living room.

tv, televizor

(UK, slang (TV)

Nu e nimic interesant pe sticlă în seara asta.
There's nothing good on the box tonight.


(slang (TV)

televizor alb-negru

(TV set: cannot display colors)

My parents remember the days when black-and-white television was the only type of TV available.

televizor color

(US (tv set showing images in colour)

We've got a colour television in the living room.

televizor color

(informal (television set: shows images in colour)

televizor cu ecran plat

(informal, abbreviation (flat-screen television)

You can hang a flat-screen TV on the wall like a picture.

a vedea ce mai e pe la televizor, a sări de la un post la altul

(figurative, informal (TV, internet: look around)

John flopped on the sofa and surfed the TV channels, looking for something good to watch.

a televiza

(broadcast on TV)

emisiune la televizor

(informal, abbreviation (television programme)

I enjoy watching TV shows about nature. My favorite TV show of all time is "Scrubs".

a se uita la televizor

(informal, abbreviation (watch television)

One of my favorite hobbies is watching TV with my family.

Let's learn Romanian

So now that you know more about the meaning of televizor in Romanian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Romanian.

Do you know about Romanian

Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.