What does proprietate in Romanian mean?
What is the meaning of the word proprietate in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use proprietate in Romanian.
The word proprietate in Romanian means property, ownership, feature, proprietate, proprietate, proprietate, proprietate, proprietate, feudă, proprietate, posesiune, proprietate, proprietate, proprietate, proprietate, proprietate, proprietate, proprietate, investiție, proprietate, proprietate colectivă, proprietate în comun, bunuri comune, proprietate comună, bloc de coproprietăți, apartament proprietate personală, legea transferului de proprietate, co-proprietate, act de proprietate, transfer de proprietate, taxă pe proprietate, proprietate funciară, proprietate absolută, bun deținut sub proprietate absolută, proprietate comună, titlu de proprietate asupra unui teren, închiriere proprietate, proprietate închiriată, proprietate personală, proprietate personală, de proprietate, taxe de proprietate, taxe de proprietate, proprietate imobiliară, proprietate imobiliară, a ocupa ilegal o proprietate, care ocupă ilegal o proprietate, taxă de proprietate, proprietate în comun, proprietate multiplă, a folosi în comun o proprietate, titlu de proprietate, a viola o proprietate, a viola o proprietate, violare de proprietate. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word proprietate
property, ownership, feature
proprietate(uncountable (sth owned) Această imprimantă este proprietatea mea. This printer is my property. |
proprietate(real estate) Josh a închiriat o proprietate în afara orașului pentru calul său. Josh leased a holding outside of town for his horse. |
proprietate(property: house, home) Life is quiet at our little homestead. |
proprietate(property ownership) |
proprietate(law: land ownership) (terenuri) |
feudă(archaic (land owned by feudal lord) In the feudal system, overlords granted fiefdoms to vassals. |
proprietate(sth owned by sb) The management are not responsible for pieces of property stolen from customers' cars. |
posesiune, proprietate(uncountable (possessions) Cutiilea astea conțin toate posesiunile mele. These boxes contain all my property. |
proprietate(property: the American West) (a unui colonist) Many pioneers set out to establish a homestead in the West. |
proprietate(property) |
proprietate(land, real estate) (pământ, teren) Ieși de pe proprietatea mea! Get off my property now. |
proprietate(site, property) George was fired and asked to leave the premises immediately. |
proprietate(houses, apartments) Acest domeniu include peste o mie de case și o piscină. This development has over a thousand homes and a swimming pool. |
proprietate(an essential attribute) Proprietățile apei sunt binecunoscute. The properties of water are well known. |
investiție, proprietate(asset) Fred's greatest investment was his house. |
proprietate colectivă(group ownership, trusteeship) |
proprietate în comun(owning sth jointly) The condominium owners have common ownership of the public areas. |
bunuri comune(public good) |
proprietate comună(joint ownership) Locuitorii comunei credeau într-o proprietate comună asupra bunurilor. The residents of the commune believed in a community of goods. |
bloc de coproprietăți(US, colloquial, abbreviation (condominium) A lot of old apartment buildings have been turned into condos. |
apartament proprietate personală(US, colloquial, abbreviation (apartment in condominium) He owns a condo in a building by the lake. |
legea transferului de proprietate(property law) |
co-proprietate(joint ownership) |
act de proprietate(often plural (property document) Păstrează actul de proprietate al casei într-un loc sigur. Make sure you keep the deed to the house in a safe place. |
transfer de proprietate(law: transfer of property) The solicitor made arrangements for the demise of the estate. |
taxă pe proprietate(tax on property after death) Creating a trust is a way to avoid estate taxes. |
proprietate funciară(Scot (historical: land) |
proprietate absolută(land, property held for life) Freeholds are quite rare in this area because there is so much commercial property. |
bun deținut sub proprietate absolută(uncountable (land, property: absolute tenure) Mr. Smith has freehold on his property. |
proprietate comună(sharing of property) My wife and I have joint ownership of our home. |
titlu de proprietate asupra unui teren(ownership of land) |
închiriere proprietate(UK (renting of property) |
proprietate închiriată(UK (rented property) The flat is a leasehold but we're going to buy the freehold. |
proprietate personală(sth belonging to an individual) There's no such thing as personal property in a commune. |
proprietate personală(law: personal property) |
de proprietate(characteristic of ownership) Tim surveyed his estate with a proprietary air. |
taxe de proprietate(UK, often pl (property tax) ⓘAceastă propoziţie nu este o traducere a propoziţiei englezeşti. Taxele de proprietate au crescut anul acesta. Rates are levied on business property. |
taxe de proprietate(UK, often pl (amount of property tax) Taxele de proprietate sunt mari în zona asta. Rates are high for property in this area. |
proprietate imobiliară(mainly US (property, land) The market in real estate favors buyers right now. |
proprietate imobiliară(US (real estate, property) The price of realty has gone up in the last year. |
a ocupa ilegal o proprietate(occupying a property illegally) The city prohibits squatting in any buildings. |
care ocupă ilegal o proprietate(occupying a property illegally) The squatting tenants were eventually forced out by the police. |
taxă de proprietate(UK (land tax) |
proprietate în comun(joint ownership of property) Time-sharing was a very popular investment proposition in the 1980s. |
proprietate multiplă(shared property) Although some people think it's a good value, I think timeshares are a waste of money. |
a folosi în comun o proprietate(share property ownership and use) Mr. Jacobs bought a house at the beach, but he plans to timeshare it in order to save money. |
titlu de proprietate(property ownership document) I keep the title deed to my house in a vault at the bank. |
a viola o proprietate(enter property uninvited) Any person caught trespassing will be prosecuted. |
a viola o proprietate(property: enter uninvited) If you trespass on his ranch he might shoot you. |
violare de proprietate(law: uninvited entry) Inspection of the fence revealed that there had been a trespass. |
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Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.